"The baby mama, girlfriend, and-"

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"Oh, I was so excited when I saw what TMZ tweeted literally minutes ago, I honestly could not believe it," the teenage girl squealed in her seat. Harry rubbed his ear closest to her, and gave a short tempered glance at Niall. He nodded in silent agreement. The girl was just a bit too vocal in her tone about her excitement.

"So, are you going to tell us your name?" Harry gave her a friendly smile.

"It's Katalia, and I already know your names," she giggled. Niall and Harry continued to give her smiles and she continue on her rampage. "I was dead though," She said throwing her head back in disbelief, "I knew you guys were at the same restaurant and I wanted to get away but I really couldn't since it's my own dad's wedding—"

"One of those men are your farther?" Harry asked.

"Yes, my dad is the slightly taller one with the glasses, and the other, his now husband is Darren."

Niall nodded, "Very happy for the new couple."

"Thank you, Niall, I'll tell them you said that," she said calmly for the first time since they've been in her presence.

Harry cleared his throat and shifted in his seat looking out to beautiful layout of the roof. All the bright fairy lights serving as decor but also challenging the darkness of the night. The bright lamp posts evenly spaced out from one another to give off more light too. It all felt very magical. People were all scattered around the large rooftop, some standing looking up at the sky, others on the outdoor furniture conversing. Many were still at the main outdoor couch where the couple of the night was. Niall and Harry...and Katalia had found some seats near a somewhat isolated area. She was the only child here really, everyone else seemed well into their late 20s or 30s.

"And how do you feel about Darren," Harry questioned the girl.

She tilted her head in confusion while Niall gave somewhat the same expression. After a moment her face melted into some sort of understanding and she answered, "Darren came into my dad's life about two years ago, and I can honestly say my dad's been way happier than he's ever been and that's all I ever want for my dad. I love the happiness Darren brings to someone I care about so much."

"Those are some wise words," Niall smiles. "How old are you again?"

She chuckled, "Thank you, I'm 16," She looks at Harry again, "but to directly answer your question, Harry, about how I feel about Darren? He's great and I love him like a second dad."

Harry nodded silently, "That's great," he mumbled.


"Hey, need a ride back to house," Louis whispered to Eleanor.

"No thank you, I can make own way back," she smiles. He nods, letting her be.

"Well," Louis sighed, looking at Briana, "I think it's time for our leave."

She nodded looking at Simon, "This dinner was lovely, thank you for the invite."

"Well, there's no need to suck up to him," Louis muttered standing.

"Well it's polite," she whispered back.

"Oh, why are you leaving so soon?" Simon asked.

"Freddie's returning to school tomorrow and the bed time is approaching," she explained with a polite smile. Everyone around the table nods in understanding.

"Come round, Freddie," Louis waved over. Freddie and Cheryl had switched seats across the table, so him and Bear could keep each other company throughout the dinner. Then Eleanor made Louis switch his seat with hers so she could "stick with the girls" as she said.

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