"More uncles?"

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The third week of this month was a packed one for the boys. They'd be having meetings and working everyday of the week before they go on holiday with their loved ones. And each meeting and such felt longer than the last, especially with Harry's rude remarks towards just about anything. Most of them being a silent jab toward Louis. Louis couldn't understand much of it and didn't even try. Why is he so fucking pissed off. I'm not the one—,he stops himself from entertaining those thoughts. Instead it was probably better to focus on other things. There was two issues always jabbing at him. 1, would be the curly headed lad. 2, would be his former partner in crime.

(a/n : cries in zouis)

"Alright, so last time we planned to talk about the Mitam tour," Simon says. Before anyone could add to the conversation he starts rambling, "of course Zayn's not in this album and we'll have to rearrange it to add his vocals and—"

Zayn passes a hand through his dark hair and fidgets with his jeans. Liam secretly nudges Louis' foot with his. Louis looks up to Liam and let's out a sigh. "Since Zayn's not in this album we just shouldn't go on tour for it." Everyone's head turns to Louis.

Liam silently thanks him and adds, "Right. We should start on a new."

"But you haven't toured for—"

"I agree with Louis and Liam," says Niall catching onto the reasoning behind it. It was for Zayn.

"Well, that's three out of five, so its settled," Louis stands. "End of meeting."

"Three out five? Wait, don't I get a vote," Simon asks.

All boys answer, "no"

"Before you leave" Simon says quickly "remember tonight's dinner. We're meeting with—"

"Louis and Nicole. We got it," Liam says taking the same route as Louis and the others following.

Harry being the last one, takes one last look at Simon and the rest of management, "It really is fun walking out on you and being the ones to end meetings this time, Simon."

The boys all enter the elevator down together. After a few moments, Zayn taps Louis' arm to gain his attention, "Thanks."

He nods to Liam, "Thank him." The doors open and he's the first to exit. As he reaches the lobby, the front desk receptionist calls over, "Mr. Tomlinson." All the boys attention forward to her. "Mrs. Tomlinson called and says she'll be running a bit late with Freddie."

Niall is the first one to ask, "Mrs?"

And then Harry, "Mrs. Tomlinson?"

Louis turns back to him to see the hurt in his eyes quickly fading to only anger and darkness. He ignores it and turns back to the women, "Who?"

The main entrance to the door opens and Briana walks in with and an eager Friday practically dragging her along, "Dad!"

"Hey, mate," he says and lifts the toddler. All four band mates are still watching the scene take place in front of them.

"May I ask why Mrs. Tomlinson," he asked her.

She gave a confused expression, "Mrs. Tomlinson?"

Louis looks toward the woman at the front desk again, who's now turning a beating red shade, "Oh! I'm sorry, I just—the kid —he said," she stumbles over her words.

Briana and Louis both look to Freddie who's hands are now covering his face. "So, that's why you asked to speak to the 'nice lady' hmm," Briana squinted her eyes.

Louis smiles, "You little—child."

Freddie uncovers his face and looks behind Louis, "Hello uncle Niall and uncle Liam." Niall and Liam look at one another and give slight smiles. He notices the other two men standing beside them and wave to them too and looks at Louis, "More uncles?"

Louis turns to Harry and Zayn, "uh—yeah." He turns backs to Briana, "We should get going. See you lads!"

"Right," she gives a wave and smile to the receptionist and the boys but it falters when it lands on Harry. She clears her throat and exits with her son and baby daddy.

"Where are they headed," Harry whispers to himself. Zayn over hears and gives him a soft look, "I don't know."

He looks to Zayn, forgetting he was there, but his cold expressions remains, "I wasn't asking you." Then walks in the opposite direction of the 'Tomlinson family'.

Fuck Louis. Fuck Briana. Fuck—fuck everyone but the kid. his kid. with her. And all Harry had were angry thoughts within this moment.

The clock soon rolls around to 7. Louis was now in his home, Briana and Freddie left awhile ago. Louis' mind kept wandering to the Mrs Tomlinson incident. "That little shit," he laughs. "My little shit." His smiles fades as he remembers a certain a look in a certain someone's eyes. He sighs and decides it's time to get ready and start heading to the stupid dinner with their old ex factor judges. He was going to be late, but it didn't really matter to him. Louis just hoped the dinner would go well enough to somehow end short.

Louis got a text from management telling him to enter through the side door of the restaurant and did as told. Arriving he saw Louis Walsh and  Nicole Sherzinger, only two of the former judges plus Simon seated with them. Zayn, Niall and Liam were present too. All but Harry Styles.

"Of course you're late, but Harry is a bit of shock," Simon says as Louis takes the seat between Liam and Zayn.

"He's been late too each and every single meeting. Why are you shocked?" Louis tone is an irritating calm as he settles in his seat. Half an hour go by and still no Harry is present. The table had ordered by now and ignored the topic of the missing participant. Instead the boys were forced into conversation on how far they've come as a band and in their solo careers.

The dinner goes better than expected until they hear the commotion in the front of the restaurant. "Sir, you really can't come in here so drunk. This is a f—"

"I'm not drunk," a familiar voice slurs. "Look I can walk in a straight line." He demonstrates and stumbles a bit, but waves it off "I must've almost tripped over something." The restaurants greeter simply stands watching the man stumble more over to Simon's table.

"Harry," Nicole smiles, "nice of you to join us."

He hums and takes the last seat next to Niall.

"Hey, mate. You okay?" Niall asks. He hums again. "Harry, why are you drunk?"

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