"And face it, we've always been partners in crime."

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"As we begin this first session, I want you all to tell me individually what you hope to accomplish from this," Dr. Riley asks.

Niall shifts in his seat, "I don't know, we're just here for these two." He gestures to Louis and Harry who have chosen to sit farthest from each other.

Dr. Riley's gaze shifts from them two. "Zayn? Liam? Do you two feel that way too?"

Both look at one another and nod.


"Kind of."

Louis scoffs at the words, Dr. Riley looks to him now, "And you feel differently, Louis?"

He shrugs and leans forward in his seat with his forearms on his knees. "I was told we were here because of me and Harry, but I don't think talking is going to solve anything."

"The word "talking" makes it sound so simple," she says. "It's more like revealing truths."

"And what truth wouldn't I be revealing?" He asks.

"Well, thats for me to try and find out."

Louis clasps his hands together, "So, what do we do now?"

"Now I come with a strategy on how to approach this," she answers. "Which is, to ask you about your early years as a band. I will ask you in a group setting and then individually. So boys add me to your schedules for the whole week."

"Is it really that serious?" Harry asked.

"Well, if it's stunting your ability to work together, I suppose it is," she answers. "And now for the golden sentence you'll be hearing all week: Tell me about the early days of One Direction"

All the boys stay quiet, thinking back on her words.

"And tell me everything," Dr Riley says, "Every detail you can remember even if you don't think it's important, tell me. Because for me if you remember it, it's important. And I am bind by law to keep your secrets. So anything you share stays with me. In our one on one sessions, it stays with me and only me. I won't discuss it with the other members, I won't discuss with Katalia or my sister-in-law."

Group session.

"Tell me about the early days of One direction."

"Starting from x-factor too?" Niall asks.

"Only the memories that connect to the five of you as a whole," she answers.

"Well, we all originally auditioned as solo artists," Liam began. "I think I had met Niall backstage before everyone else, before we were even put in the same group. I was getting ready for my audition and he happened to be backstage as well."

"Oh yea," Niall said reminiscing. "You were the first I met too."

Dr.Riley nods, she has her notebook out in front of her but hasn't written a word yet. Louis glanced at it from time to time to see what she would deem important enough to write down.

"What a terrific way to start," she smiles at Liam. "Let's actually all first mention who we were first acquainted with in the band. We've got Niall and Liam down. Zayn who did you first meet?"

He shrugs, "Harry, I think during the dance section—"

"Oh gosh," Niall laughs. "I remember those."

Zayn chuckled, "Yeah, it was terrible."

Liam even joins in on the laughing, but it all comes to a halt when Dr. Riley asked, "And you Harry?"

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