"I'm getting unwanted flashbacks."

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A/N: sorry if you get confused by all the flashbacks, if it's too confusing let me know if I need to clarify in any way.

"So, whatever happened with your plan to take down our mandatory therapy session," Zayn asked Louis. They stood off to the side waiting for Girolle to approve their look for the next photo. Here they were dressed in the attire of their first ever smash hit. What makes you beautiful.

"It's going to take work for the editors to make it look like we're at that same beach." Zayn eyed Louis from his answer. He had completely ignored his question. "What?"

"Nothing, I'm just trying to figure out why you avoided the question."

Louis rolled his eyes, "I just-I just don't care enough anymore."

"Well that's a load of bull—"

"It's not. It's the truth," he states firmly.

"Are you trying to convince yourself or me?"

Louis sighs annoyed, "I just don't want to put anymore energy into hating him or anything."

The dark haired man looked to his friend more seriously now, "Why is that?"

Louis scoffed, "Why are you asking that, you want me to keeping hating him or something?"

He shakes his head, "No, Louis I just—I want to know why."

"Why is the why important?"

"Because," Zayn sighs and looks toward the tallest. "If you don't even put the energy to hate him anymore. What's left?"

"It means that I'm over it—or I don't know Zayn," he shakes his head in slight frustration. "Why are you thinking so much into this?"

"If you don't hate him, then—then you don't care at all about him anymore."

"And you want me to keep...caring?"

"It's worse if you just entirely stop." Louis looks at his serious expression that's laced with a tinge of hurt.


Now in a lower rumble, "Liam stopped." He looked into Louis' eyes. "And if you stop too—you shouldn't put Harry through that."

"What are you two whispering about over there," Girolle interrupts the moment from afar. "Come come, we must begin the second photo concept."

Zayn starts to walk toward the man, but before he can fully leave, Louis catches his arm, "Its not because I don't care. I hate that I will always care."

"Then what's the reason."

"I pity him." A loud silence hangs between the two members and just as Zayn's about to break it, a loud French accent intercepts the air between them.

"Louis! Zayn!"

Louis let's go of Zayn's arm and walks ahead of him.

Louis pities Harry.

"Alright we are recreating the What Makes You Beautiful song cover," Girolle announces. The guys all nod. "Bring in the fence!"

"A fence?"

"The fence you all lean on," Girolle points to the reference picture in hand. This is how the rest of the photo shoot went, Girolle brought out many old concepts from their earlier years. Some brought nostalgia, fun, and laughs, while brought back deep painful roots. The ladder came up as the photoshoot moved into the later years of the band.

Girolle sighed to himself satisfied, "We have forty-five minutes left to get this done."

Liam shakes his head with a small smile, "Crazy how the years just flew by like that."

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