"It's for Harry though."

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"Now, we're going to have two activities. Normally it'd just be one, but we have the time to fill in what would be the performance slot of the show with another very—ehm—fun one."

"Should we be worried?" Liam raised his brow at the show host.

"No, someone here might have some experience in this game," James smirked. He turns to the first camera he's sees, "Alright, everyone we are going to play flinch."

"That's not so bad," Harry commented.

"Yeah," Zayn agreed. "But what's the second activity?"

"You will see," he simply answers. James makes his way toward the audience and looks up as the "on air" sign lights up. "Welcome back everyone and I'm currently with One direction. These five boys always seem to have their chill on." James turns back to the boys to see their responses, mostly simple head nods. "But it's time to really put their nerves to the test with a game of Flinch!"

Audience cheers.

"Well, come along now boys." James gestures for them to move forward. "Nothing to be afraid of just yet." Laughs break from the audience. James goes on to explain the game as he always does, "You lot will be behind that glass while different fruits or produce is shot at you from this cannon with my face on it." The audience cheers and James looks at the boys once more, "Are you ready?" Various forms of agreements come from the five. "Perfect, now which two would like to go first together?"

"I'll do it," Niall volunteers.

"Anyone one else to be Niall's partner?" James asks. Liam raises a hand while walking to accompany Niall. "Liam it is," James cheers.

Niall and Liam stand behind the glass together. James looks at the three remaining boys, "What should we hit them with lads?"

"You should put a tomato," Zayn suggests.

"A tomato it is then," James agrees. He reaches over the basket pulling out the red produce and quickly entering it into the small cannon. As James returns to his full height the tomato falls out.

"It's gotten out," Harry says.

James with friendly sarcasm answers, "I see that Harold."

"Well, put it back in."

James forms a small smirk at Harry's words. Louis and Zayn both turn to him as the words left his lips.
He noticed Louis' eyes look him up and down.

"Checking me out?" He asked before he remembered they were still on air, but Louis gave an honest answer back too,

"Judging you."

Zayn looking directly into the camera gritted through his teeth much like Liam previously, "On air, lads get it together."

Harry brought his attention back to the audience, "Well, get your heads out of the gutter."

"No one said anything," James chuckled.

Harry gestured to the tomato on the ground, "On with the game."

"Are you ready for the tomato now?" James shouted out to the guys behind the glass.

"Abso—" Liam started but released a small yelp along with Niall at the end of his word. Both flinched just terribly as it flew and smashed against the glass all within a second.

"Did they lose?" Louis asked through laughing bits with Zayn.

Liam and Niall exit from behind the glass and join the rest of them with small smiles of embarrassment on them. "Glad we caught that on tape mates," Louis smiled.

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