"Whatever the reason..."

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"Fans are going wild with the recent viral video of Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles," said the brunette haired reporter, she looks to her co star to say the next line.

"You being one of them huh, Kate?" He laughs.

"But of course, there hasn't been any kind of interaction between these two since the band ended back in 2015. Sure some of the other boys have publicly interacted over social media sometimes, but these two..." she trails off. "Never."

The other reporter nods in agreement , "And I'm sure many 'Larry Stylinson' fans are excited from just the title of this video, but don't get your hopes up just yet!"

The female reporter circles back, "Yes, although they were indeed seen together, they didn't seem too...how do I say fond of it?"

The male reporter gives a knowing side glance and she returns it. "Louis was accompanied with his son, Freddie and baby mama Briana along with small security detail. Take a look..."
The report cuts to a video of a bystander's point of view of the whole situation. It showed Briana lifting Freddie into her arms and while Freddie said his goodbye to Harry.

The clip cuts back to the two reporters and the male speaks, "It's not that it was awkward to watch since the video was only a couple seconds long, and it only showcased the small family readying to depart from Styles."

"Yes, but if we look deeper into it, it seems only Freddie said a goodbye to him. Louis and Briana walked away wordlessly. What do you think this could mean?"

He gives another shrug, "Hopefully they maybe plan on seeing one another again—"

Simon furiously shuts the television off, "How could this happen?!"

Harry rolls his eyes, "How was I supposed to know he was going to be there?"

Simon only stares back at him and then to Louis, waiting for maybe some kind of explanation he obviously wasn't going to get.

"This is what you called an 'emergency meeting for?" Louis says not adding to Harry's specific dialogue.

"Yeah, you couldn't just call Harry and Louis," asked Zayn looking a bit annoyed. Christmas was in three days and they were told today was one of their days off until the new year.

A familiar vein is intensely throbbing in Simon's forehead, evidence he's pissed. Zayn looks at it and looks to Louis who catches on, "You should get that checked out mate."

A familiar laughter arises from Louis. Zayn chuckles, not at his own joke but the joy of knowing he can still make his best mate laugh like he used to back in the day. Simon takes a deep inhale then exhales and looks up to the three again, "To answer your previous question Zayn about why I called you in too, the answer is...do you really think these two would've come if they thought it was just them?"
Louis gives a look that says 'good point'.

Zayn sighs as he rises, "sucks that Niall and Liam went back to London for holiday so soon." Zayn walks to exit of the conference room, "The vibes are so tense without them." Then he leaves, leaving the only people who this meeting was really for in the room.

Harry rises from his seat as well, "Well if he leaves, I'm leav—"

"Sit down!" Simon abruptly yells. Harry narrows his glance at him, Louis scoffs at his 'who tf you talking to' look. Harry only ignores him still facing Simon.

"We wouldn't be having this meeting if—" Simon begins but is cut off again, that exactly is becoming all the boys' favorite part of these meetings.

Harry sits down again with a cold stare, "How was I supposed to know this one was stalking me?"

"Yeah sure," Louis scoffs.

"Oh my bad, how was I supposed to know your kid was stalking me?"

Simon leans away from the table, kind of taken back himself at Harry's words toward the other's kid.

Louis looks at him seriously for the first time since they've entered each other's lives again, "Harry—"

Harry cringed at his name being used by him and interrupted him before the threat came out, "Sorry." He gave a bored expression as he faced Louis, "I didn't mean to come at your kid."

"You don't look sorry," Simon points out.

"Can we get on with this meeting or not. I've got places to be," Harry says irritated.

"Alright," Louis' tone is not a friendly one at the moment, "but if my kid's name ends up in your mouth again—"

"You'll what?" Harry says sharply cutting him off again.

"Woah woah, there's no need for this to end ugly," Simon interjects.

"Doesn't matter,  I'm done dealing with this little shit," Louis adds and exits the room.

A moment of silent passes between the only two left in the room now. Simon inhales deeply and exhales again, "okay okay. There's a lot he could mean by that statement. It doesn't mean he's leaving the band" Simon's tone ends in a question as he look at Harry.

"If anything it'll be less of a headache for me if he's not in the band," Harry shrugs.

Simon slowly lowers head into his hands and groans. Harry stays seated as the fresh events of the meeting flood through his mind. Fuck, why'd I say that about the kid. I hate him not the kid. Simon lifts his head up and sees Harry is still here, "Well, aren't you going to stride out of here too," he says defeated.

"Yeah," Harry says and starts his way to the door. Simon follows him with his eyes and says one last thing before he's out the door, "Are you sure you want him out of your life again?"

Harry stops in his tracks, hand already on the door handle. Simon continues, "Because if you don't, then fix this."

He sharply turns toward Simon again and through gritted teeth, "And why the fuck wouldn't I want him gone?"

"Because Harry," he sighs and let's a quietness hang in the air a bit. "You already let him back into your life by you joining the band again. Whatever the reason for coming back must be the same for why you can't let him quit."

Harry's hand on the handle intensifies, he bites down on his teeth out of anger and leaves.

Simon sighed once more in the quiet space, "I hate boy bands."

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