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Harry sighed in the backseat of the Uber he ordered with Eleanor. He wasn't as intoxicated as Eleanor, but it still wasn't safe enough to drive. Soon enough they pull up to Louis'. He helped Eleanor up to the house since she was stumbling and if she fell, he'd probably have to use up more of his night to bring her to the ER or something. That was his excuse for venturing so far into the property.

"Do you have a key, Eleanor?" He asks as they arrive to the front door.

She hums handing her purse over, Harry rolls his eyes and pulls out a key chain. "Which one is it?"

"The one with the LT engraving."

"Why is it engraved?" He questions.

"Thought it looked cute," she shrugged. Harry opens the door into the luxurious LA home, entering with Eleanor slouching on his side.

"We're here, get off."

"Take me to a room."

"Eleanor, are you incapable of  doing anything?"

"What if I fall on the steps," she whines. And so Harry helped up the stairs and opened the first door he found. "Here," he said before turning on the lights.

Eleanor furrowed her brows and looked to Harry, "This is Freddie's room."

Harry looks around to the cartoon wall stickers, the small desk and little chairs obviously only fit for a child, the twin sized bed with blue race sheets, and some toys scattered around another door, which could only lead to a closet or bathroom.

He leaves Eleanor leaning against the door frame, and walks deeper into the room. He goes straight to the little desk area first, where he sees posters with the days of the week, alphabet and numbers and etc. On a different wall hangs drawn pictures obviously by Freddie. They were all framed nicely, but only one caught his attention. He removed it from the wall to hold it in his hands. The typical sun was drawn in the corner of the page, a green line indicating grass, and misshaped clouds. Then standing in the cute drawing was three stick figures. Two taller ones representing adults and a shorter one for a child in the middle. The child had blonde hair, like the women he was holding hands with, while the man had brown hair. It was a family portrait in Freddie's eyes. The kid did want his parents to reunite so badly, while Harry wished the opposite.

He took several more minutes analyzing the picture until he heard Eleanor, "Harry? Why are we still here?"

He clears his throat and looks up to her with almost glassy eyes, "Right. Let's hurry on out of here." He placed the framed drawing on the desk, turned of the lights and left. Eventually he and Eleanor arrived in what he assumed was a guest room. Eleanor immediately collapsed on the bed, groaning, "Why did I drink so much?"

Harry stuffed his hands in his pockets looking down at her, "Don't know, but you're going to have a big hangover tomorrow." She groaned some more into the pillow.

"I'm leaving."

"Okay," she raised a hand and gave him a thumbs up. "Thank you." Harry left wordlessly after that. He made his way down the steps and just as he reached the front door, it opened.

There stood Louis.

The two only stared at one another until Louis spoke up. "What-why are you in my house?" He walked in passed Harry, keeping a steady voice. Louis turned around when he didn't get an answer, "Did you break in or something?"

Harry kept his gaze on the front door. Louis had closed when he walked in. He could've just left it open for him to leave. "If you go into one of your guest rooms, you would see the drunken reason. She's quite needy when she's intoxicated."

Louis looks up to the staircase and back at Harry, "What? Did you bring a drunk girl into my house?"

"If I did, would you be mad?" Harry finally turned to face the man.

Louis sighed trying to not let Harry get to him, "Who is it?"



"Eleanor," then Harry once again opened the front door and left.


short chapter but this is me updating three days in a row so let's all be happy :)


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