"Aint that right, Haz?"

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The ending of habit closes out and James stops at another red light. "Well, lads, hungry or anything?"

"I could eat," Niall says.

"Should we go to a McDonalds," Liam suggests from the back.

"Oh, yes just like the last time," James reminisced.

"But now with Ringo," Harry adds.

James pulls up to a McDonald's drive through soon and they're at the ordering section. "Anything else?"

"Can I have a chocolate milkshake with that?" Louis asks.

"Why would you get a chocolate milkshake," Harry rolled his eyes.

"Because I want it."

"We're on camera," Liam gritted through his teeth.

"He started it," Louis turned looking forward again.

"Cause you're being an idiot," Harry muttered.

"What I consume is my business—"

"Louis, you don't even—"

"Just let him get the milkshake, Harry," Liam intervened the conversation once more.

Niall looks over to James, "Management will probably—"

"—want that cut out," James finished for him. Niall nods. "Yeah, I figured."

"Fine get your fucking milkshake," Harry muttered under his breath.

"I will."

Eventually everyone in the car has been handed their order. The chocolate milkshake made its way to Louis and as it approached him, he questioned his decision from before. Do I even like chocolate milkshakes? After pondering for a bit if he should return it, he settled on not letting Harry be right in the situation and so he would forcibly drink it.

Twenty minutes later, Zayn looks over at him and notices the milkshake in the cup holder by Louis' door. "Are you not going to finish—"

"—My fries...I finished it. And I'm full now," He quickly answered before letting his failure with the chocolate milkshake be known.

"Told you."

"Mind the business that's yours."

"A bit hostile in here now, we need to lighten up," James awkwardly chuckled.

"Please, Niall switch with me," Liam begged.

Niall shook his head, "I called shotgun."

"Zayn?" Liam pleaded. This was one of the few times Liam spoke directly to the man.

Zayn hesitantly answered, voice soft, "Yeah yeah, I guess."

"You can't just switch seats while I'm driving," James announced so they heard in the back rows.

"Then stop the car."

"I say Louis switches with Liam, Harry and him are the ones fighting, so keep it secluded to them in the back," Niall said keeping his eyes forward. He knew his words was sure to cause a ruckus.

"No, I'd rather drink the milkshake," Louis mumbled.

"What was that," Harry questioned in a condescending tone.

Louis rolled his eyes, "We'll get you hearing aids if you're hard of hearing."

"Do you two see why," Liam asks with a dull expression. He seemed to be over their constant bickering. The two fought every single moment they were together since the group reunited. In meetings and now promo videos. One day they'll fight live in front of a crowd with cameras and the headlines really would finally make that vein in Simon's forehead pop.

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