2. Lies

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11/29 Dear Diary,

What does dream want from us? We aren't ready for any type of war yet. He's slowly ripping us apart.                                                                                                                                           



As i'm walking to Tommy's base, I suddenly run into Fundy. 

"Oh, Im sorry- oh, Fundy hey." "Hey Y/N, sorry about that, Have you seen Tubbo?" Fundy asked. "Yea, matter of fact, he's looking for you. I mean, if you haven't noticed there's a huge fucking wall around l'manburg, so i'm just going to take a wild guess and say he wants to talk to you about it." I said almost sounding like if I was pissed. 

"yea....maybe you're right.." Fundy added, "anyways i'll see you later I gotta go find tommy," As I start to walk away, Fundy grabs my arm, "Hey Y/N are you alright? You seem nervous..are you still having the nightmares?" Fundy said with concern, "I'm alright Fundy i'm sorry for being rude, i'm just scared." 

"It'll be okay Y/N, I won't let anything bad happen don't worry," Fundy said with a smile. "Thanks Fundy," I smiled back and continued walking.


I finally arrived at Tommy's base and I start pounding on his door, "TOOMMMMYYYY!!!!" I bang the door a few times when tommy suddenly opens the door, "You better have a good reason to why you're waking me up woman." There stood Tommy with his fluffy hair and his red shirt that he always wears, towering over me, I couldn't help but stare. I thought...he looks....good? I quickly snap out of it, "Tommy, Tubbo is looking for you. Dream has built a wall around l'manberg again," I said.

"What the fuck....um alright I'll meet you with tubbo. Let me get ready." I nodded and walked away, but I couldn't help sense eyes burning through me as I walked away. I immediately ignored the feeling and continued walking.  


While me, tubbo, fundy, and quackity all waited for tommy to meet us, we were discussing what were we going to do with dream. "I say we kill the fucker," Quackity announced, "or maybe we can talk to him peacefully and not cause any problems?" Tubbo suggested. I couldn't help but wonder where tommy was, i mean why is he taking so long, is he hiding something? 

30 minutes went by and we finally saw tommy heading towards us...until quackity launched out at tommy. 

"YOU. DID YOU DO THIS? YOU BITCH. I KNOW YOU DID THIS," quackity screamed as he held tommy by the hems of his collar. 




Tubbo and Fundy were trying to hold quackity back, while me and tommy were screaming. Finally we were able to get quackity off of tommy, "WHAT THE FUCK MAN! WHY DO YOU THINK I CAUSED THIS?" Tommy yelled, "I'M NOT STUPID TOMMY, THIS SHIT HAS YOUR NAME WRITTEN ALLLL OVER IT!" Quackity yelled back. "BOYS BOYS PLEASE." Tubbo said trying to get a word in. 

All this yelling and fighting was getting to me, I couldn't take it anymore. "BOYSSSSSS" I let out a loud yell that caught all of their attention. Suddenly, i felt like everyone on the SMP was watching me. "Don't you guys realize what's happening? Maybe dream wanted this, maybe he wants to split us up because we got l'manberg and he lost. Us yelling and fighting is only going to prove his point even more. God, you guys are idiots. I mean you guys are suppose to be right hand men not enemies." 

"She's right," Tubbo said.

"I am?- I mean fuck right I am." 

"Yea..i'm sorry tommy."

"It's fine big Q. Well? what do you propose we do, Mr. President?" Tommy asked.

"We talk to dream. Then We'll figure out the truth."

"And if he's lying?" I asked.

"He can't. He won't." Tubbo concluded. 



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