22. Allies

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"HE'S YOUR BROTHER???" Tommy yelled through the other side of the door.

"GO AWAY TOMMY." I yelled back

"You're gonna have to talk about it eventually," Techno said.

I groaned in frustration as I opened the door, making eye contact with Tommy and Techno.

"Simply, there is nothing to talk about. George is just a figment of imagination and he just does not exist. Period." Finally, walking past them, heading into the kitchen.

"Y/n, listen, and think about it, if George is the closest thing to Dream, imagine how much power we have to destroy him." Tommy whispered.

"No. No. No. I am not using George. He's not going to help us, and we aren't going to help him. Let it go Tommy." I whispered back before heading into the living room with a bowl of cereal. Tommy followed behind me. "I mean, why do you even hate him so much? What did he do?"

"I said let it go." I said as I took a spoonful of cereal to my mouth as i rolled my eyes.


As I was laying down watching tv I heard Techno yell out, "Y/N!!!"

I groaned in frustration, "WHATTT!" I yelled back.


"SERIOUSLY??" I waited in silence for a while.


"OKAY! OKAY JESUS I'LL GO." I groaned as I got up and grabbed a jacket to get ready to go outside. I let out a big sigh as I stepped outside and closed the door behind.

As I was walking to the storage room behind the house, I hear footsteps behind me. I frantically turn around to no one there. "Hello?" I looked at the ground but there wasn't any visible footsteps. "Tommy? Techno? Are you there?" I yelled out.

After a while I just scoffed and continued walking. "Whatever games you're playing, it's not funny." I said

"Awh...that's too bad, we were just getting to the fun part."

I frantically turned around, "Huh?" Suddenly, it went dark as I realized someone had put a bag over my head and put me over their shoulder.

"OI PUT ME DOWN!! LET ME GO!" I yelled out when I felt an object hit my head shortly not after passing out.


My eyes started to open up, a sharp pain stinging in my head. I looked around as I realized I was tied to a chair in a room that looked like a basement. "Ah! She's awake." I heard.

I fidgeted around in the rope that had me tied up with no avail to getting it loose enough to escape. A figure where the voice came from finally came around and stood in front of me, looking up, I noticed the infamous fire logo on his shirt.


"Mornin'" He greeted.

"What the hell- where am I? Untie me asshole."

"No can do. Strict orders." he said

"Seriously? From who? George? HA! please-" I snickered as I rolled my eyes.

"Yea actually, George told me not to let you go until he comes back." He said as my smile dropped from my face. "You really underestimate your brother y/n, you have no idea what he's capable of." He assured me.

"Is that so? You seriously think George is going to do something to me, let alone touch me? You have it all wrong Sapnap." I lifted my back from the chair, "And when Techno finds out-and you better hope he doesn't. You'll see." I said as I relaxed and let my back fall in the chair.

"See what?" George said as he started walking down into the basement. "

Me and Sapnap both snapped our heads towards George. A smirk formed on Sapnaps face as my face started to form an angry expression.

"Because what I see..." he continued, pulling out a sword from his side, "I see a tied up, worthless, piece of nothing." He inched closer to me.

Out of spite, I spit at his face. "Fuck. You. George."

George chuckled as he wiped the spit from his face, he leaned back. "Hm.." he quickly swung the sword and aimed it towards me. I closed my eyes out of fear, staying still for a moment. I felt tugging at my hands and feet, realizing I was free. I opened my eyes to the handle of the sword pointing towards me.

"Join us. Fight for the SMP. Be the cause." He said as he held out the sword.

I hesitated for a moment, before looking up at George and Sapnap. I pushed the sword away from me. "What makes you think I could suddenly forgive you? You have ruined EVERYTHING for me since we were children and now the only thing I have control of, you want to take me away from it now? Go to hell." I scoffed.

"I never said forgive. Hate me all you want, but if you would rather sit and watch the SMP slowly go to ruins rather than be the change you wanted it to be, then be my guest. I am giving you an opportunity to make things right around here. But if you're not willing to then I will, with or without your help." He said as he walked away, Sapnap following behind.

I sat there in hesitation. After a split second of thinking I called out, "Wait." I sighed in frustration, "Fine. Fine I'll do it."

George stopped walking along with sapnap until the both of them turned around to face me. "Perfect." George said

"Welcome to the team y/n" Sapnap said.

"I'm not on your team... I'm doing this for the sake of the SMP, most importantly, l'manburg." I said as I snatched the sword from George's hand.

"Of course...of course." he said as he turned around as he walked away, Sapnap doing the same, but i just stood there. Sapnap turned around, "Well? Are you coming?" And in the moment I had only realized what I had gotten myself into.

"Fuck." I muttered under my breath.

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