9. I Trust you.

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(TW: slight depression episode)

12/2 Dear Diary, 

 "I feel numb. My eyes hurt from so much crying. I miss you Tommy."



Tommy's POV:

I heard their screams fade as dream held a tight grip on my arm, it was probably leaving me a bruise but I didn't care about that, I cared about her. "Why, Tubbo? How could you?" I asked. 

"Im sorry Tommy.." Tubbo apologized as he started to walk away.

 "Let's go." Dream said. 

"WAIT! TUBBO! wait." I screamed hoping he'd stop and listen to me. Tubbo turned around slowly, waiting to hear more insults and be degraded for what he did. "What Tommy." He still had his head down. I pull away from dream as I took out a disc. 

"Here." I handed Tubbo the disc, "I want you to have it, I want you to know that by giving you this disc that I trust you." I said, "Remember this Tubbo." I then started to walk away with dream in shame and despair. 


I laid in bed all day for the past 4 days. Everything felt weird without Tommy. I haven't eaten or shower. I can't remember the last time I stepped outside to get fresh air. I was in complete darkness. 

Knock. Knock. Knock.

 I groaned as I didn't want to get up from my bed but it was the least I could do. I opened the door and saw Niki, Puffy, and....some really tall dude?

"Hi." I said all groggy. "y/n!!" Niki went to hug me as well as Puffy. "Dude, you gotta shower." Puffy said. "Yea yea, what do you guys want." I asked. "Well we brought you some flowers and food, to make you feel better." Niki said as she handed me a basket of flowers and food. "Thanks." I gave her a warm smile. "OH! This is Ranboo." Niki stepped out of the way to introduce the abnormally tall man. "Woah. He is..." 

"Tall." Ranboo said finishing my sentence, "Thanks, I get it from my dad. He's an endermen." He held out his hand to shake mines, "Im Ranboo." I shook his hand and nodded my head, "Right....nice to meet you." 

"Well then! Puffy, why don't you take him to the flower shop, while I talk to y/n. I'll try to meet you guys there!" Niki walked in and closed the door behind her as I flopped onto my bed.

  "So..how are you holding up?" Niki asked. I shrugged. "You missed Fundy and Dreams' wedding." Niki told me. I shrugged once again. All I wanted was to sleep.

"Cmon y/n! tomorrows your birthday! Let's get you cleaned up love." Niki grabbed my arms and lifted me up from the bed. I groaned. "Niki...please.

"tsk tsk tsk, no complaints cmon!" After undressing I stepped into the warm bath and sat in a fetal postion as Niki scrubbed my back with the warm water. (DON'T THINK OF THIS AS SEXUAL, IT'S SUPPOSE TO BE LIKE A MOTHER DAUGHTER THING Y'KNOW?)

I then got out and Niki helped blow-dry my hair while I put on a sweater and sweatpants. 

"There you go! You look and smell so much better!" Niki exclaimed. I gave her a groggy smile. 

We walked outside where the sun shined bright in my face, "GAH!" I screamed covering my eyes, "Was it always this bright out?" I said as my eyes were slowing adjusting to the light. "No silly, you've just haven't been outside in a while. Let's go." I sighed as I walked with her. Today is just the beginning of a long day. 

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