29. More than something; Less than nothing.

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"HELLO?!" I yelled. "IS THERE ANYONE HERE?!" I walked around an empty, white space. "Fucking hell...where am I..?" 

"Y/n.." A voice said. I turned around, startled by it. "Hello?! Who are you!?" I exclaimed. 

"Behind you." It said. I looked behind me, nothing there. 

"Other way." It said, laughing after. I looked behind me, still nothing there. 

"This isn't funny! Whoever you are, show yourself!"

"Boo." It said, I turned around to reveal Wilbur standing there. 


"Hi y/n...been a while hasn't it?"


"How's l'manburg? Shit right? How's my man Tommy?"

"Where am I Wilbur?" I said sternly. He laughed, "You're adorable when you get all bossy." He said as he patted my head. "Don't fucking patronize me. Now, for the last time..where the hell am I." I demanded.

"You know...the funny thing is..I never took you as one to be so...pushy and whiny. You were always so quiet and shy. What happened?" He said as he started to walk around. 

"You happened. You've ruined everything." I said angrily as I followed him. 

He stopped and looked towards me, "Darling...you can't ruin something that was already ruined." He smiled at me. "Welcome home." 


"You're home. This is where you're going to be staying for all eternity."

"Am I dead?!" I asked concerned. 

"Does it matter? You're here and you're here with me." 

"No...this is not- this can't be it." 

"What? Did you expect a huge golden gate with shining lights with God himself waiting for you?" 

"No- I just- This is not real.."

"It's as real as it gets doll." 


Wilbur started laughing


His laugh grew louder and louder in my head, no matter how hard I covered my ears, his laugh didn't stop and it only got bigger and bigger. 


"STOP!"  I screamed as I woke up. 

"Y/n?!" Ranboo rejoiced as he came up to me. I couldn't stop hyperventilating, my heart-beating fast, I looked around the room where I woke up in. 

"Are you alright?! I can't believe you're awake!" He exclaimed as he hugged me. 

"Where am I?"

"You're home..in your room, recovering from your wound.." He explained. I looked down and lifted my shirt to reveal a big bandage on the side of my torso. I looked back at Ranboo, "How long have I been out for?" 

"Er...a couple days I believe. Luckily, Nikki had some medical practice so she was able to fix you up in no time. How are you feeling?"

"Fine." I said as I started to get up from the bed, wincing in pain. 

"No, no, no, no, no. You must stay and rest. You're not fully healed. I'll go tell everyone you're awake." but before Ranboo left, I grabbed his hand and pulled him back, "Where's my brother?" 

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