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As I followed them, we finally arrived outside. Looking around, I couldn't help but notice how....grey and dull it had become since I last came here. I ignored the thought and continued walking with George and Sapnap before stepping in some red gooey thing.

"UGH! WHAT THE HELL??" I yelled out, sticking out my leg from the substance. 

Both George and Sapnap look back at me. "Oh shit, yea sorry about that," Sapnap said, "Yea we meant to tell you about it, we're still investigating what it is." George continued.

"Well?" I said taking off my red gooey infested shoe. 

"What?" both said in unison.

"What the hell is it then?" 

"Oh! Yea no we don't really know yet." George explained, "All we know is that bad is obsessed with it but i'm sure it's just one of his crazed phases and it'll be gone soon." Sapnap added. "We have it under control."

"Well, i'm going to go change my shoes real quick so-" immediately something clicked in my head, "Oh shit- My house! MY DIARY! OH GOD I HAVE TO GO!" I yelled as I ran off, searching for my house.


"What. The. Fuck." 

I muttered as I stood in disbelief looking at my charred, half burned house. "Everything...I lost everything." I said to myself, searching around the house. Lifting up pieces of rubble when underneath one of them was a charred book. Dusting off the ashes to uncover the title, it spelled out D-I-A, the rest was burned off. Flipping through the pages, practically burned to a crisp, I noticed the handwriting as a tear fell onto the pages. Quickly I wiped it away when I noticed out of the corner of my eye a hat that hadn't been burned, as if it was in perfect condition. I went to go grab it as I turned it around, the logo LAPD was embedded on the hat.

"That son of a bitch." An anger formed on my face as I tightly held the hat and ran out of the house. 


Walking around the SMP searching for the man who burned everything I ever had, I walked past a familiar group of faces but paid no mind to it.  After walking for a while, I finally spotted him sitting on a bench next to Tubbo and Ranboo. Making my way towards him, I dropped the hat and rolled up my sleeves, thats when they all decided to look my way, disbelief in their faces. 

"y/n???" Tubbo and Ranboo said in unison, but before Quackity can say anything I hit him with a left hook.  



"WHAT THE HELL?" Quackity cried out holding his cheek. And before I can say anything else, I got hit back. I fell back at the sudden struck, looking down at the blood that was coming from my lip. I saw him laughing at me when I started to look up, quickly I swept my leg under his. knocking him over. He groaned in pain as I crawled on top of him, putting all my force in my punches. Blood kept spraying on my face from him, when suddenly I felt  arms wrap around my waist, pulling me back from Quackity. 

"STOP IT Y/N." Sapnap said as he held my arms behind me. On the recieving end, Tubbo and Ranboo helped Quackity stand up. "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM PSYCHO!" He yelled.




"Shit." Tubbo said. Everyone looked at him. "I um..I may have done something bad.." he added

I finally was able to loosen the grip from Sapnap and walked slowly over to Tubbo. "Tubbo..what did you do...?" 

"I WAS MAD! IM SORRY!" Tubbo confessed. Everyone groaned in frustration. I scoffed, "Are you serious right now? Why the hell was Quackitys' hat there then?" 

"I was using it that day, I guess it must have fallen when I ran out of the house." He explained.


"Y/n, i'm sorry...I know it wasn't right but I didn't know you were going to come back. Wait-why are you back?"

"Forget it." I turned around to walk away, but George pulled me back, "You can stay with us for now." I pulled back my arm and scoffed, "Oh fuck off." and I walked away. Everyone stood in silence for a moment as I walked away.

"Cmon Quackity, let's get you cleaned up.." Tubbo said


Sitting on one of the benches, I looked at my bruised and bloodied hand. 

"Here, I know how bad that hurts." Ranboo said as he handed me a frozen vegetable bag. 

"Thanks." I said as I took it and placed it on my hand. Ranboo went to sit next to me, "You should really apologize to Quackity.." 

"Yea....maybe.." We both chuckled before sitting in silence for a moment. 

"Tubbo didn't mean to do what he did y/n.." Ranboo explained, "He was hurt..don't be mad at him." I snapped my head at him, "Is this a joke? Did he put you up to this?" I yelled.

"No y/n just hear me out-"

"NO! I am so sick and tired of everyone blaming me for doing the right thing. I fight so hard for everyone and no one listens to me. Maybe I should just-" and before I can continue, a yell from the distance caught our attention. 


Me and Ranboo looked at each other in confusion before I ran out to follow the voice, Ranboo following me soon after. "Y/n, what are you doing?" 


Soonly after me and Ranboo hid behind a bush right where we had a good look of the where the voice was coming from, but there were two people.

"Wait...is that..Connor???" Ranboo whispered as he pointed out.

"I DON'T KNOW!" Connor yelled out

"LIAR!" The person yelled out, holding a sword closer to Connor face. Connor flinching in fear. The other person leaning in and joining, "If you don't tell us, we won't have any other choice Connor." 

Suddenly the voice became very familiar to my ears, until something clicked. "Oh my god.." 

"What!? What!?? What is it?" Ranboo said urgently.

"Its Techno and Tommy.."


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