15. World Of War.

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12/15 Dear Diary, 

             Great. Well isn't this justtt great.


"So. This is where he's been hiding?" I said to Ghostbur. We were standing outside of Techno's place, which was very far journey from l'manberg. "Yup!" he exclaimed. "Right and um how long has he been in there?" I asked. "Er 3 days." He answered. "Cool." I started marching with rage towards Techno's house ready to kill Tommy on the spot. "Uh-y/n??"  Ghostbur said trying to get my attention. "What are you going to do?"

"Kill Tommy." I said as I kept walking. "Oh. That's lovely." He said. 

I busted through the door and screamed for Tommy's name. "TOMMYINNIT." I heard a scream from a floor below. I rushed over to where I heard the scream and saw Tommy standing in place with a bunch of stuff in his hands. "Uh. HEY Y/N!" He said with an awkward smile. 

I tensed up my shoulder and closed my eyes, "Tommy I am going to count to three, and if you are still standing there when I open my eyes, I am going to give you the biggest ass kicking of your entire life." I calmly said.  Tommy hesitated not knowing where to move to. "1. 2. 3." I opened my eyes and saw Tommy frozen in place. I felt relief but rage at the same time. "ALRIGHT!" I rolled up my sleeves and started charging at him.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT! PLEASE LET ME EXPLAIN FIRST." He yelled covering his head just incase. I stopped. "Why Tommy?" I felt my voice trembling. "Do you have any idea what you've done Tommy? EVERYONE! everyone is mourning and planning your funeral. WE THINK YOU'RE DEAD TOMMY." I yelled as I felt a tear rolling down my face. 

"Y/n, Im sorry just let me explain-" he said as he tried to hold my hand, "NO- don't touch me."I said as I pulled back my arms away, "Do you have any idea how it felt-" I got cut off with Tommy screaming back at me.

"NO Y/N. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT IT WAS LIKE IN THAT PLACE?" He yelled choking back his tears, " Do you have any idea what it was like being alone. I was going fucking insane y/n." 

"You weren't alone Tommy, I was here, Tubbo was here." I said.

"Are you fucking serious? NEITHER OF YOU, NONE, came to visit me. You guys never came to my party. Hell- I even sent out invitations!" He cried out.

"What? What invitations? What Party? Tommy what are you talking about?" I said in a confusing matter. 

"Oh quit acting stupid. Stop pretending you care y/n." Tommy scoffed. 

"What? Why do you think I don't care? Do you think I busted my ass trying not to get caught to come over here to see if you were actually ALIVE FOR NO REASON?!" I ranted. 

"Then why didn't you come the day I told you to? Why did Ranboo come up with some dumb excuse that Dream caught you or whatever?" He said as he rolled his eyes.

"YOU THINK I WOULD LIE ABOUT THAT?! Tommy, I spent I don't know how many days in a goddamn jail cell wondering if you were okay." I held out my wrists, "For fuck sakes, my wrist are still bruised because Dream kept me in chains! Why don't you trust me Tommy." I sniffled. He looked at me with a soft look in his eyes. He lowered his head in shame. "Because I loved you y/n." 


"I fucking loved you. I turned myself in and out loving you." His voice was shaky, "And when Ranboo told me that you weren't coming, How else was I suppose to feel." 

I was surprised, My eye widen, "Tommy I'm-" 

We both turned our heads to where the sound of a door opening and closing came from. "Shit. Shit. Shit. We have to hide. Now." Tommy said frantically as he grabbed my arm and pulled me with him into a secret room under technos house.

"Tommy what is going on-" Tommys hand flew over my mouth, quickly shutting me up. "Sh...Don't say a single word. We have to go out the back." He whispered to me. I nodded silently and started moving with him.

We finally came up from a trapdoor that was behind techno's house. Me and Tommy panted in exhaustion after running down a tunnel. 

I aggressively pushed Tommy, "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?! ARE YOU CAMPING OUT HERE WITHOUT TECHNO KNOWING?" Tommy was shushing me trying to make me stop screaming, "y/n pleaseee!!! He might hear you" he whispered loudly. 


"Ahem." I heard a low voice say behind me. 

I slowly turned around as I saw Techno pointing a sword at me and Tommy. 

"What are you doing here." He said. 

Tommy whispered to me, "I got this." Tommy stepped in front of me, "AYYY MAAAA FRIENDDD!!!" Tommy exclaimed as he held his arms out, "HAVE I EVER TOLD YOU HOW MUCH OF A BITCH YOU ARE!" He yelled. "YOU UGLY PIG LOOKING MOTHERFUCK-" 

"TOMMY TOMMY PLEASE!" I said as I put an arm in front of him. "Techno I can explain everything. Just- put. the. sword. down."  

 He shook his head, "Not until you tell me what you're doing here." He said. 

"Fine." I held my arms up. "I thought Tommy was dead, but Ghostbur said that he wasn't and that he actually was living here and so he took me here and now we are out here!" I gave a half smile. 

"Living here?EH?" Techno said as he looked over at Tommy.

"HEH! You see- I can totally explain." Tommy said nervously. 

Techno sighed in disappointment. "Just get inside you two, I don't have time for this shit." 


Lost BeginningsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora