11. Secrets

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12/4 Dear Diary,

There's more to the story than you know. 



I was up all night wondering and figuring out why Ranboo was helping Tommy. Actually, how he even found out about Tommy. I was going to get to the bottom of this, but I had to put aside dream and tubbo. 

I had Ranboo's address, but I had to be stealthy. I wouldn't consider it stalking, just... going undercover. I tied my hair up and grabbed my sword and stormed out of my house. 

I watched him from his window, in hopes I was lucky enough to get him out of his house. It was taking too long so I knocked on his door and quickly hid. "Hello?" Ranboos head emerged from his door, "Is anyone out here?" He then stepped outside, looking both ways hoping to catch the person that was "ding dong ditching" him. 

"Very funny," he rolled his eyes. As he was about to go back into his house, I grabbed him and dragged him to the back of his house where no one could see us. "WOAH!" he said as I slammed him into the wall with a sword pointing at his neck. "Who are you and what do you want with Tommy?" I asked, I wanted to seem intimidating but I was in fact a little scared because he was way stronger and taller than me. "Okay okay, let's calm down." I slammed his back against the wall, he winced in pain, "Answer the questions." I said, looking him straight in the eyes. 

"Okay look, we can talk, just," he looked to his sides, "just not here, come inside and i'll explain everything. I swear." He said with a promising look. I let go of him, "Fine, but don't try anything funny." As we walked back into his house, I still had my sword pointed to his back just incase he did try anything funny. 


"Make yourself at home. Do you want coffee or tea?" Ranboo asked. "Cut the shit Ranboo. How do you know about Tommy?" 

"Fine!! Just trying to be friendly." he said,

 "I know about Tommy because I ran into him when he was in exile, early exile by the way, he told me about everything, about you in fact. So I studied the Smp, the people who lived there, I wrote everything that I knew about you guys in my memory book. Then I moved here, to help."he explained, "to help tommy you mean." I added, "Yea sure, if you want to put it that way." 

"And that's why you chose l'manberg as your allegiance?" I asked.


"So that means you know where Tommy is?" 


"Perfect. You take me there tonight then." I said as I got up ready to leave.

 "Yup-What! Wait no!" he said.

"And why not?" I asked. "Because I can't risk putting myself in danger just because you wanna see your little boyfriend. And i'm especially not putting tommy in danger either." I snapped back at him, "Tommy isn't my boyfriend."

"Right...either way it's not happening," he said. "If you don't take me Ranboo, I will go myself, with or without your help. If tommy knew I was out there alone trying to find him, and you let me? I don't think he would be so happy about that." Ranboo groaned in annoyance, "Fine! Fine fine fine. I'll take you." He announced. I squealed in excitement, "Yay! I'll see you at 12 then." I said as I left his house, "Whatever.." he said as he rolled his eyes. 

As I left his house I made sure no one saw me. But, out of the corner of my eye I saw a bright neon green hoodie, I looked to where I saw it but nothing was there. I sighed in relief and continued walking home. 


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