10.Birthday Girl

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12/3 Dear Diary, 

I saw him. I saw him. 



I got to talk to Ranboo and got to know him. Said he had short term memory loss but has a book where he writes things down to remember them. I found it weird at first but I just ignored it. 

Niki and Puffy and me were discussing what we were going to do for my birthday tomorrow. I told them I didn't want a party or anything special. They insisted. Of course. I shrugged it off. 

I was laying in bed that night thinking about Tommy and wondering if he had been okay. Was I going to see him tomorrow? What about Tubbo? Actually, he's the last person I EVER want to think about right now. And with that I fell asleep. 


I woke up to FOUR loud and obnoxious knocks at my door. I groaned in frustration as it was way too early for me to wake up. I put on a robe and tied my hair in a low bun. I opened the door and saw a rose path with a bouquet and a note on the bouquet. "Christ..." I said to myself, I opened the note and it said "Follow the path, there's a surprise." "Oh no.." I shut the door and quickly got ready. I put on a simple floral dress (as such) 

and put on some light makeup and lightly brushed my hair

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and put on some light makeup and lightly brushed my hair. I sighed as I looked in the mirror, making sure there aren't any imperfections that people can catch on photos and videos.  

I made my way out of my house and followed the path of roses. I looked over in the distance and saw that the line of roses were leading up to Niki's and Puffy's flower shop. "Of course..." I said to myself as I rolled my eyes and walked up to the doors. I made any last quick touch ups before I went it. I put one foot inside and everyone jumps out.

 "SUPRISEEEEEE!!!!!" everyone shouted. 

I gave everyone hugs and greetings. The party was fun for awhile. We ate cake, drank apple juices, played games and laughed. "So how do you like the party so far?" asked niki in excitement. "We stayed up all night setting this up." Puffy added.

"No yea! I really like it. You guys are actually the best. Im just suprised that Dream came. He doesn't seem the type to party to be honest." I lightly chuckled, "Yea, he said he felt bad about what happended to um...you know," Niki said. I nodded immediately knowing what she was referring to.  I heard the door open, "oh! that must be another guest, i'll go greet them." I went to turn around as I saw a familiar face look at me. 

I dropped my cup in shock of who I just locked eyes with. Tubbo. Nothing stopped me from beating the hell out of him but my composure said other wise. I took a deep breath in. "y/n...happy birthday." he said. He had regret in his eyes. it looked like he hasn't slept in days. He looked worn out. 

I looked him dead in the eye, "Some fucking nerve you have." I shouted. Niki and Puffy quickly run over to us, making sure no one gets hurt, while everyone's attention is drawn to us. "y/n...please." he pleaded. "NO TUBBO. No." I felt my eyes tearing up. "Do you have any idea how many nights I spent awake wondering why you did what you did? Or how many nights wondering if Tommy is okay? You left him out there to die Tubbo. Your own bestfriend." 

"Listen y/n...I-" I cut him off. I wasn't done with him. I wanted to make sure he knew what he did. "You selfish, narcissistic, ass-" "I DIDN'T HAVE A CHOICE!" Tubbo yelled. "ALRIGHT! I didn't have a fucking choice y/n." a tear started to roll down his face. "If you didn't have a choice, then why'd you do it Tubbo. WHY!" I screamed. I was so angry. Tubbo looked at Dream. I noticed this and immediately had a gut feeling. 

"Why did you look at Dream?" I asked. "Tubbo, WHY DID YOU LOOK AT DREAM?" 


"Tubbo. Don't." Dream interfered. 


Flashback to the Trial (Tubbo's pov)

I went to reach from dreams hand so we could have made the deal official. But as soon as I touched his hand I knew something was wrong. He pulled me closer to him and whispered, "You knew I wanted Tommy exiled. You have till the end of the day to do so or else y/n is gone. Your choice." Dream let go and went to cheer with the others to seem as if nothing had happened. As if he hadn't just threatened me if he didn't get his way. I couldn't let anything happen to y/n but I didn't want Tommy gone either. I knew what I needed to do. 

Back to present time

"There.." Tubbo confessed. "That's why I did what I had to do. Im not a bad person y/n please believe me." Everyone stood there in shock. No one knew what to say or do. Not even me. I went over to look at dream but he was already gone. "Why. Why'd you spare me Tubbo." I asked.

"Because I love you y/n. Truly." he said. Everything was making sense now. Everything was hitting me at once. I ran home crying. I was rethinking everything. Everything that had led up to now. How could I so oblivious to what was happening? I spent the rest of night crying. My hair was tangled and messy. My mascara was running down my face. Eventually I fell asleep, filling in that void with dreams and sleep. 


I woke up in the middle of the night to a knock on my window. "What the...it's like 3 am..." I rubbed my eyes to get a clearer view of who was outside my window. The figure looked very familiar but I couldn't pin my finger on it. Eventually I opened the window. 

"Hey..y/n" the figure said. I still couldn't see who it was but the voice was so recognizable. It was too dark to see. "Uh...who is this?" I asked in hope to get a response back, hopefully it isn't a murderer. "Its me...Tommy." 

I shot up. I wasn't expecting to hear that name. I quickly turned on the lamp that was besides my bed. The lamp light brightened up the room just enough to see if it was really Tommy, and it was. 

"T-Tommy? Is that really you?" I asked. "Yea...yes it's me." He smiled. I could see his blonde hair glistening in the moonlight behind him. I hugged him. I held him tight. I missed him so much. I never wanted to let him go but something told me this wasn't the last time I was going to see him. "What-What are you doing here?" I asked, still in shock that he was really in front of me. 

"I had to see you. I had to come visit you for your birthday." he said as he handed me a small box. I opened it and saw a necklace. I noticed that it was able to open, so I did. It was a picture of Tommy and me. It was us in our halloween costumes. I laughed as Tommy wiped a tear from my face. 

"I love you y/n." He said. I looked at him in shock. Did Tommy just...

"Pst! PSTTTTT! Tommy! We gotta go!!" I heard a voice from outside whisper. 

"Tommy? Is there another person here?" I went to go look but he quickly grabbed my face. "..I don't have a lot of time left here but listen to me closely, get those discs y/n. Do not let dream get to them first." I nodded slowly, taking in what he was saying but distracted by his bright, blue eyes. "Say you understand y/n. Say it please." He begged. "Okay okay I understand, I'll get the discs." "Thank you." He kissed me on the cheek as he crawled out my window. 

I peeked my head out to see where he was going, but I saw another figure with him. The figure was tall.... 

The figure turned around making sure nobody had saw them sneaking out of my house. That's when I was able to get a good look on the figures face. 

That's when I realized.....Ranboo.

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