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Anger started to fill in me. "Is this some kind of fucking joke?!" I exclaimed, "What the hell is going on!?"

George walked towards with me excitement, hugging me tightly before pulling me away swiftly, "Leo's back! Isn't it wonderful!" He exclaimed

"George- what- why are you back?" I was confused, angry, glad maybe?

"I had too! Leo came back, he needed a place to stay, of course, so I opened my home to him." 

"He ruined our lives."

"He's my best friend and I forgive him."

I laughed angrily, "AND YOU LEFT ME TO DIE! AND NOW YOU COME BACK AND ACT LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED?! NOW YOU'VE OPENED YOUR HOUSE, WHICH I LIVE HERE TOO BY THE WAY, TO THE ONE PERSON WHO RUINED OUR ENTIRE LIVES AND THE REASON WE HAD TO COME HERE?!" I yelled out. They sat there in quiet. I scoffed, "Unbelievable.." I added as I walked back out the house. Leo following me and George behind him.

"Y/n- let me explain-" Leo said, I snapped back at him, "AND YOU-" I inched closer to him, "The nerve you have..." I said before storming off again. 


That night I wandered off and found myself to be standing in front of the prison. The prison where Dream had ordered for it to be build only for it to be used against him. Guilt overcame me as I stared at the dark, huge building. My emotions cut off when I heard a voice. 

"Y/n? What are you doing out here?" it said.

I turned around, seeing Ghostbur standing there. 

"Ghostbur! Lovely seeing you here.." 

"As well y/n..but why are you out here? It's very dark and late." 

We started walking together, away from the prison.

"It's just-" I sighed, "It's just a lot right now."  

"What's a lot?" He asked, confused.

"I don't know anymore." I said as I ran my hands through my hair in a stressed manner. 

"Hm...well seems like something's bothering you." He said, "is it Leo?" he added.

I snapped my head to him as my eyes widened,"How do you know about Leo?" 

"I saw you guys in your house, you seemed upset at him and then you left before briefly yelling at him."

I looked at him, "Are you...stalking me?" I asked

"Oh!! No!! No! No! I just like wandering around, seeing what people are doing in their houses. Just a habit I guess!" Ghostbur explained. 

"Privacy Ghostbur, you're violating people's privacy, you can't be doing that." 

"Oh...sorry.." He said softly, lowering his head. 

"It's alright Ghostbur...just..don't mention Leo to anyone here yet..please." 

"Of course! can I ask why?" 

"Best if I don't get into it now." 

Ghostbur nodded, understanding. 

"Wanna help me sneak me in back into my house so I don't run into George and Leo?" I asked, trying to ease the tension. Ghostbur nodded in excitement. 


After successfully trying to sneak in, I flopped on my bed in exhaustion as I looked up at the ceiling. Thoughts raced through my mind hundred miles an hour and couldn't seem to stop. Before I knew it, the sun started to rise. I was up all night thinking. I groaned as I got up. Walking over to my closet groggily, grabbing any comfortable clothes and putting them on. I replaced the old clothes I had on with the clean and comfortable clothes. I put my hand on the knob of my door and prepared myself to what I was going to face outside this room. I walked out, looked around for any sign of the two and continued walking slowly into the kitchen, revealing Leo sitting and reading some newspaper and drinking coffee. I rolled my eyes at the sight of him. I walked into the kitchen, walking past him and heading towards the fridge to grab the milk inside. 

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