17. Fun & Runs

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12/16 Dear Diary, 

            It's all fun and games until someone dies. 


I was new to this whole thing. Being an inside for the other side. Helping Techno and Tommy. I was only doing it for my own benefit though. I wanted to take Dream down. Everyone was blind-sided by him. Not me. I knew what he was doing. I had been pretending. 


"Today we are gathered to remember and mourn over the loss of someone who was loved by many. Mr. Tommyinnit." said Badboyhalo. He had been hosting the funeral alongside Skeppy. 

I was standing alongside Tubbo and Niki and Puffy. I heard sniffles and quiet sobs from behind me. I could tell everyone was devastated and it hurt me. I wanted to tell everyone that Tommy was okay. That he was alive. But I couldn't. I noticed Dream was the only one that didn't show up but I didn't mind very much of it.

"y/n?" Tubbo said. "Hm? Yes?" I snapped out of my daze. "They're calling for you." 


"For the eulogy?" He stated. 

"OH! RIGHT! Uh- right right the eulogy." I stood up and walked over to the stand. I cleared my throat before I could speak. But before I did I looked at everyone there. Everyone had a regretful look on their face. It pained me. But out in the distance, I saw a tall figure. I squinted my eyes to see it better and realized it had been Ranboo. He was frantically giving me a signal. 

quick think y/n think, I thought to myself. Suddenly I started to sob, "Tubbo if you can please, this is just too hard for me," I said as I sprinted out of there. Quickly taking a secret shortcut that allowed me not to be followed by anyone. I wiped my fake tears and met with Ranboo where I had seen him earlier. 

"What? What is it?" I asked

"Wow, your acting skills are reallyy good!" He said.

"Ranboo." I gave a dead look to him.

"RIGHT! Sorry. But uh listen, you gotta meet Phil right now." He whispered. 

"What? What are you talking about?" 

"Quackity, Fundy, and Tubbo." He frantically whispered. "They're planning to execute Techno later on today, go to Phil, ask for the totem, and run to Techno. Try not to stay there for long. Do you understand?" 

"Ranboo-" He disappeared before I could even finish my sentence. "Shit." I looked around wondering what to do next.


I frantically knocked on Phils door. Open. Open. Open. I thought, as I waited outside, fidgeting with my hands in anxiousness. I heard the door creak open and thats when I rushed inside. 

"Y/n?!" He said as he closed the door behind him, "Uh...come in I guess.." 

"Where's the totem Phil?" I said as I searched around the room for it.

"What? Why would you need the totem?"

"It's not for me, it's for Techno." I mumbled.

"What? Y/n what's going on?" He asked with a stern voice.

I groaned in frustration, "Shit Phil! Do you want to save Techno or not?" I  raised my voice a little as I looked at him dead in the eye. 

He looked at me back. He was having second thoughts as he heard my sentence. We stood there for a couple of seconds before he sighed. "Fine." He gave in as he walked over to a secret compartment he had in his room. That's where he pulled out the Totem and gave it to me. "Be careful." I took it quickly and nodded my head. "Thank you Phil." I rushed on out of there in hopes to get to Techno in time. 


I ran over to the portal where it would take me to Techno's house. Before I stepped in I looked over at the Funeral. Everyone was placing flowers next to the empty casket. I wanted to be there for them. I wanted to comfort them, even though Tommy wasn't really dead. I shook my head to doze out of my trance and went on ahead. 

"Ahem." I heard someone behind me.


Fuck. "Sapnap!! Heyyy! How are you!?" 

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked. He had his arms crossed and his eyebrows furrowed. "Why aren't you with the others?" 

Think. "I-uh.." I started to fidget with my hands. "I just went to uh.." I looked around, trying to find something that can give me an excuse. I remembered everyone earlier that was putting flowers near the casket. "Flowers! I was uh looking for flowers. I was actually just on my way to Niki and Puffy's shop." I gave him a half smile trying not to look suspicious. 

"Hm.." He looked at me, up and down. "Fine." He said as he walked away. 

I released my breath and dropped my shoulders in relief. I waited for Sapnap to be completely gone. I looked around making sure no one saw me and stepped into the portal. 


I ran. I ran fast to Techno's house. Despite my hands freezing from how cold it was, I didn't care. I pounded on his door. "TECHNO!!!" I yelled. 

"Oh my god, what." He said as he opened the door. I quickly handed him the Totem. "Use it." I told him. 

"What's going on?" I heard Tommy say behind Techno. 

"Y/n...." Techno looked at me with a look as if he knew something bad is going to happen. "I have no time to explain, but keep it with you and hide Tommy as soon as you can. Im sorry.." I said as I started to run off. "Y/N! Y/N WAIT!" I heard Techno scream but I couldn't look back. 


I ran to my house. I had to make sure nobody knew where I was. As I was running I saw Tubbo, Quackity, Fundy, and Ranboo start walking up to my house. I had to think quick. They would know i was somewhere if I wasn't in my house. 

The Window. 

I had to get to the window in time. I looked up and realized it was a high distance from where I was to the window. Fuck it. I started climbing. My fingernails were starting to become bloody and dirty from griping onto the walls hard. Finally, I was able to crawl inside and flop on my bed. I groaned in pain, holding my hands. 

I sat up quickly as I heard the door knock. It's them. I quickly straightened out my shirt and pants, hoping to make it seem like I wasn't just climbing the side of my house. 

I opened the door. "Y/n!" Quackity exclaimed. "How have you been?!"

I looked around, "I've been holding up." I chuckled slightly. "Soo..what brings you around here?" "Right so! We wanted you to come with us to execute Techno!" He said.

"Oh? OH! Oh um of course! I'd be more than happy coming with you," I lied. "Perfect! We just need to stop by Phils house first." Fundy announced. "Oh. Uh...why's that?"

"To find out where Techno is of course!" Tubbo added. 

"RIGHT! RIGHTT! For sure! Let me just get a few things and I will be out there." I said as I slammed the door. I rubbed my face with my hands in exhaustion. Christ. I thought. I opened the door once again, signaling that I was ready to go. 


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