13. Hopeless

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I spent the last two days in here. I was starving and haven't showered. I was counting my days down to when I was going to get out of here, which seemed never. Until....

"Hello? Is anyone here?" I heard a soft voice nearby say. I quickly jolted up and ran over to the iron bars that were getting in the way of my freedom and myself. "HELLO? HELLOO?" I yelled. 

"Oh! y/n!!" the soft voice said as the voice grew louder as it kept getting near me. I saw a soft blue light surround the figure. Suddenly I realized who it was. 

"Wil!- Ghostbur?" I said in confusion, not really knowing if it was really him. "Hello y/n! How have you been?" Ghostbur said in excitement. "Ghostbur! Ghostbur you gotta listen to me-" I said as I tried to explain the situation I was in, "Oh! It seems that you're in quite a pickle here!" he said. 

"Yes! That's the problem. You have to get me out of here. You have to take me to Tommy or Ranboo OR NIKI! She'll understand. Please Ghostbur!" I explained. "Oh! Well, um I'll see what I can do." he said. We both turned our heads to the main door when we heard it open. "I must go now as i'm not allowed in here. Wish you the best of luck!" Ghostbur said and with that he disappeared right in front of me. 

"Who were you talking to?" Dream said as he walked up to my cell. I groaned in desperation. "Fuck off dream." I said as I wasn't in the mood to talk to him. "Whatever, I need your help with some building." he informed. 

"And why exactly would I help you?" I questioned. "Fine. I'll just go ask someone else," he said as he started to walk away. I quickly debated on it. As much as I wanted to see the sun again, it could also be my chance to escape. I groaned as I knew I was going to regret it soon, "FINE! fine dream, I'll help you with your stupid building or whatever." I blurted out. He turned around chuckling because he knew I was going to change my mind. "Good." he said as he opened the door of my cell. 

I quickly took my shot and sprinted out of there, until I felt dream pull my shirt back, causing me to fall backwards instead. "Ugh!" I was fuming. Dream laughed, "when are you ever going to trust me y/n?" he said as he pulled me back up and held me by my arm. "That's very rich coming from you." I spit back. He sighed,"You know i'm doing this for your own good. For l'manbergs own good," He said. I was silent, too mad to even talk to him. 


We started walking to the place where he supposedly needed my help building. Everyone was there. Tubbo, Fundy, Quackity, Ranboo, Sam. I didn't realize what I had gotten myself into, until I looked up. The building towering over me, casting a shadow on the ground as big as the moon. 

"What-" I was speechless. "What is this?" I speculated. "Prison." Sam said as he walked up next to us. "Ain't she a beauty?" He said, I was still astonished. "Thank you Dream, I'll take her from here." Sam said, "That stunt you pulled a few days back was brutal huh?" 

"Oh, that. Yea....you'd try to do the same when you haven't seen your soul- I mean best friend in over two weeks." I retorted. "Hm..How long has dream been keeping you in that place?" He asked.

"Don't know. Don't care. Just glad to see the sun again." I answered. "Right! Let's get to work!" Sam said as he patted me in the back. I Sighed, joining the others to help build. 

"Hey guys.." I said.

"y/n!!" Fundy exclaimed.

"Hey y/n." Quackity welcomed me back.

"Welcome back y/n." Tubbo said. 

"Thanks.." I gave a soft smile, but I quickly eyed Ranboo, who was looking down at the floor while building. I knew something was wrong. He didn't look at me the entire time I was there. 

"So...why the prison?" I asked.

"Well, it's a high security prison. Only worst of the worsts will be placed in here. We plan on putting Techno in here." Tubbo answered. 

"And Tommy." Quackity added. 

My heart sank to my stomach when I heard his name. I knew Ranboo felt the same because we both looked up at each other at the same time. 

"Right...Techno and Tommy." I said, pretending to agree with them. I mean don't get me wrong, Techno should be placed in here, I just had a problem with Tommy, and I think I could say the same for Tubbo. 

"I'm planning on seeing Tommy soon..I just need to ask Dream first." Tubbo announced. I immediately started choking as I was appalled by his comment. "Sorry..." I said, "That just took me by surprise." 

"I mean well he deserves a bit of company no?" Tubbo said. Everyone agreed. I was not only surprised, but confused to why he wanted to see Tommy. For all I know, he's the one who put them in there. Sounds pretty hypocritical to me. 

"I uh, I have to go." Ranboo said, as he sprinted out of the building. 

"Huh.. wonder what his problem was." Fundy said. 

"Yea...me too..." I added.


Yall- I know you guys saw yesterday stream. I- 

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