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11/33 Dear Diary, 

 "He wouldn't do that. I know he wouldn't. "



Every morning I woke up with Tubbo by my side either making breakfast or waiting for me to wake up. It was rather strange per-say, but I got used to it the next couple of days. 

There were a few moments where I had caught myself staring at him, sometimes I would regret turning him down, but I quickly realized there were more other important things than a silly boyfriend. Tommy's punishment trial was coming up and we needed a plan. 


14 hours. We had 14 hours until Tommy's trial with dream. Quackity, me, Fundy, and Tubbo were in the van where we usually held our important meetings.  We were discussing what we were going to do with Tommy. "I personally don't think it was THAT big of a deal." Quackity said. "He burned down another civillian's house big Q...AN INNOCENT PERSON." retaliated Tubbo. 

"How are we suppose to keep track of tommy when we have other things to do." Fundy announced. 

"Maybe we should.." I tried to speak but quickly got cut off. 

"What about cameras?" Tubbo suggested.

"WE COULD HAVE SOMEONE SPY ON HIM!" Quackity exclaimed.

"Um what if-" cut off, once again.

"Hm.. no no we can't, Tommy wouldn't like that idea very much, he could possibly try and fight back if we had someone spy on him." Fundy hypothesized.

"GUYS!" I yelled, getting their attention. "Maybe we could have him report everything back to somebody when the day is over, and if he doesn't cooperate or lie about where he's been or what he was doing, we put him in the jail cell for an hour or until he's learned his lesson." I finally announced. 

The boys looked at each other impressed. "I think they're right." Fundy agreed. "Yea, she makes a good point." Quackity continued.

 "All in favor for y/n's idea?" Tubbo spoke. Everyone rose their hand. "All right, we'll have tommy report back to.....Fundy! You're one of my most trusted advisors. I expect you to write down everything tommy has done when the day is over." "Yes sir." Fundy exclaimed. We all left the van and went our separate ways. 


As I was on my way back home, I couldn't help but wonder if dream will think this punishment is sufficient. I mean, I guess it wasn't that big of a deal, George could've built another house. I kept going back and forth with myself. Then, I heard a voice behind me that stopped me in my tracks. 

"Im sorry.

I slowly turned around when my eyes widened after seeing what was in front of me. Tommy. "We have to stop meeting like this." He chuckled. But I wasn't laughing.

 "Seriously? You don't talk to me for days and you wanna make jokes?" I slowly approached him.

  "I have been busting my ass to defend you, I have been NOTHING but support you and be by your side and you want to make JOKES?!" I pushed him lightly. He fell back a few steps. I continued walking towards him as he walks backwards afraid I was going to push him harder. 

"I have apologized for not telling you about me and tubbo and that was still not enough. You kept ignoring me. When I needed you, you weren't there and YOU WANT TO MAKE JOKES?" as I went to push him a bit harder, he grabbed my wrists, "Im sorry y/n, truly. But seeing you and tubbo-"

He stopped himself and sighed. "There's some things you don't know yet y/n, and it's best that it stays that way." He let go. "Wow. Screw you Tommy. Are you done?" I asked. 

"Um, Are you and tubbo-" I cut him off, already knowing what his question was. "Why do you care?" I questioned. 

"I don't."

"Then why'd you ask?"

"I was curious. I have a right to know." 

I scoffed as I started to walk away, I was questioning whether or not he really did care or not.

 I heard him start walking away. I sighed and let my head drop, "No." Tommy stopped. I turned around again where I faced tommy's back. "Me and Tubbo aren't together if that's what you were wondering." I turned back around. "I'll see you tomorrow T," and with that I walked away. 

The rest of the night I couldn't stop thinking why he even asked about me and Tubbo. Was Niki right? Was he jealous? There was only one way to find out. 

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