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I loud alarm awakened me from my sleep. I jumped up from my bed, today was the day we were going to l'manberg for the first time in weeks. I run over to Tommy's room, he was still sleeping, I had a genius plan to how I would wake him up. 

I crept over next to him on his bed........suddendly i jumped and jumped screaming, "TOMMYYYYY! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" 

"AHH!" Tommy screamed as he woke up, "WOMAN." 

"TODAY IS GONNA BE SO EXCITING, CMONNN!!!" I yelled as I got off of him and ran into the kitchen, "HI TECHNO!" I said as I sat down at the dining table, waiting for my breakfast. 

"You're pretty excited today huh?" He said as he placed my plate of eggs in front of me, "How'd you know??" I said as my leg kept bouncing. "Hm...either way, I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you, you never know what could happen.." He said.

"Oh..yea right.." I shoved a spoonful of eggs in my mouth. 

"Where's Tommy?" I shrugged in response, "I woke him up a few minutes ago, I'll go check on him," I said as I put my dish in the sink and got Tommy's plate. 


"Tommy?" I said as I knocked on him door, "Why aren't you up yet?" I walked over to his nightstand and put his plate on top. "Tommy?" I heard a cough under the covers, where he was. "Huh?" I pulled back the covers where the sheet was drenched in sweat and Tommy was curled up in a ball. "Tommy!? What the hell! Are you okay?" I said as I rolled him over on his back.

"I don't feel so good.." He said as he kept coughing, sweating profusely. I put my hand on his forehead to see if he had a fever, "Jesus Tommy, you're burning up- TECHNOO!" I yelled out for him. 

"HEH?" Techno said as he ran into the room, "What.

"Tommy- He's sick."

"No im fine..I can go today-" He said as he tried getting up but groaned in pain, "Okay-no, you're sick," I turned to Techno, "Can't we just postpone the plan?"  

"No can do. Phil is expecting us today and we cannot keep him in that place any longer. Either I go alone or you come or both of you come. You decide, I'll wait for you outside." He said as he walked off. 


He held my hand, "Go. I know you've been-" COUGH "dying for this. I'll be okay."

 I sighed, "Are you reallly sure?" I asked, "Yes! Gooo!" I squealed in excitement, "Thank you thank you thank you!" I said as I kissed his forehead and ran out the room.


As me and Techno were about to go through the portal that takes us to l'manburg, he abruptly stops me. 

"Wait.." He said as he groaned in frustration, reaching and looking for something in his bag.  After a second he pulled out a glass bottle with some sort of purple juice inside. "Here take this," he said as he handed me the bottle. 

"What is it?" I asked as I took the bottle and opened the cork. "Invisibility potion. We don't want our cover blown. Also, ONE DROP is all you need." He informed. 

"Right..one drop." I said as I dipped my finger in the portion and placed the juice covered finger on my tongue. I gave Techno the potion back, while he did the same. 

"WOOAHH! IM DISAPPEARING!!" I said as i looked at my right hand slowly fade, soon absorbing the rest of my body until i'm nothing. "Right, let's go, try not to make too much noise." He said as we both took a step into the portal, bringing us to l'manberg.


"Alright, now stay close, we only have a few minutes until it wears off and we can't take another drop for another hour." 

"Why not?"

"Ugh. Must you talk so much? If you take more than one drop of invisiblity in an hour, it can permantly leave you invisible. Now, theres a cure, but it'll take a long time to get so if I were you I'd shut up and keep moving." He explained. I stayed silent and followed with Techno until we got to Phil's house which wasn't so far from the portal. 

"Shit, Techno, your hair!" I pointed out, "Just hurry up, we don't have much time left." He said as he sprinted to the house. Once we got there, Techno and I started banging on the door. "PHILL!!" I yelled. We kept knocking until Phil finally opened the door and dragged us inside. 

"Are you two crazy!! You both could have gotten caught." Phil yelled. 

"DAD!" Techno ran over to Phil and hugged him. Phil couldn't stay mad and hugged him back. "What are you two doing here?" He asked as he let go. "We're saving you. Im taking you to live with me." Techno responded and grabbed Phil's hand. 

"Son." He pulled back. "Its not safe. Not yet." Phil added. 

"What? Dad, they have you cooped up in here like an animal, its not right!" 

"I will be okay. I have a plan, but it's not ready yet." 

"Phil-Please let us help you-" 


"Fuck. They're here, you guys have to go. Im sorry." Phil said as he grabbed both of our arms. "DAD!"  Before techno could say he shut the door on us. 

"Im sorry Techno." I said as I put a hand on his shoulder. Techno nudged it off, "Whatever, let's go." 

"Well well." We heard as we turned around in panic.

 Shit. It's George, great.

 "Techno, let's go, now..please." I said as I took Technos arm and dragged him along with me walking right past George, not making eye contact.

"What's wrong?? Can't have a little chat with my own sibling?" He said.

Me and Techno stopped as I threw my head back in frustration. Damn it. 


"Techno, can you meet me at the portal." I said. 


I didn't say a word, all I did was glance at Techno with a dead look, but Techno got the memo and went on his way. 

"What do you want George?" 

"Oh cmon, you're seriously still mad at me???" I looked him dead in the eye. I wasn't one to hold grudges but this was different.

"Fuck. off." I said as I walked off, feeling his eyes still on me. 


Shortly after, I met up with Techno, his face still had a shocked look, his mouth still open, still processing what he had heard a few minutes ago. 

I sighed as I walked through the portal, too mad to even talk.


The entire way home, Techno kept breathing down my neck about it, asking me all kinds of questions. 

"Wha- Why didn't you say anything?" 


I had the biggest headache and was so glad when we finally arrived home. 

"I mean seriously, do you have any idea how much of an advantage this could give us??" He said as we both walked into the house, slamming the door behind me. 

"What advantage?" I heard Tommy speak as he was in the living room couch. 

I groaned in frustration and walked into my room as I locked the door behind me.

I dropped everything I was holding and flopped onto my bed. Letting out a big scream into my pillow. 


Screw it. Gogy Lore. 

Lost BeginningsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin