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"WHAT?!" Ranboo whispered frantically.

"BE QUIET!" I whispered back.

"We need to go tell Tubbo!" 

"NO!" I almost said loud enough for Tommy and Techno to hear, but Ranboo thought it was suspicious. "I mean no...you go tell Tubbo, I'll keep an eye on them." Ranboo nodded slowly as he got up and ran to Tubbo. A wave of relief hit me while I prepare myself to confront the other two. 

I went up to the and pulled them by the ears aside, 


"ouch. ow."

"What the hell are you two doing?" I said, but both of them looked at me in shock before Tommy went and hugged me

"We're saving you..lets go." Techno said as he grabbed my hand but I pulled back almost immediately. "No." Techno and Tommy both look at me for a second, "What? What are you- stop fucking around y/n," Tommy said as he reached for my hand but as I pulled it away, I whispered, " You need to leave before the both of you get into more trouble than what you're already in." 


"Tommy?" Tubbo said in confusion as we all looked back at him. 

"Tubbo?" Tommy said back.

"I thought you had died.." 

"Yea....so did I for a while." 

Tubbo pulled out his compass and saw that it was pointing to Tommy. 

Techno cleared his throat, "Well, sorry to break your guys's moment but we came here for a reason." he continued as he grabbed Connor and held his sword up to his neck, "My weapons. Now."  Tommy followed Techno and held his sword up. 

"What? What are you talking about?" Ranboo asked.

"THE WEAPONS. The TechnoDrill, The Rocket Launcher, The Orphan Obviator, All. Of. It." He held the sword closer to Connors neck.

"OKAY! OKAY. JUST DON'T HURT HIM." Tubbo cried out, "Ranboo.." Tubbo gave him a piece of paper with some coordinates on it, "These numbers lead to the chest with the weapons, go get them and bring them back." 



 Ranboo nodded and left. 

"Quite the nation you're running here Tubbo. What do you think Tommy?" Techno said. Tommy didn't say anything, he just shrugged. 

"Bunch of cowards, I'd say." Techno added.

"And what about you y/n? Why the sudden team change? Was this your plan all along? Use us and go back to lover boy?" he turned to me.

"It's not like that-" I tried to explain, "BULLSHIT!" He yelled as I slightly jumped. He let go of Connor as he inched closer to me, "I took you under when you had no one. Nothing. And this how you repay me? Going back to the enemy and spitting in my face?" His voice was shaky, and you could tell his eyes were watery. But just in time, Ranboo had came back with the weapons. 

"Techno.." Tommy had pointed out.

 Me and Techno stared at each other with a sudden silence, until he broke it, turning around and wiping his eyes. "Pleasure doing business with you Gentlemen." He said as he took the weapons back. 

Techno looked back at all of us, before looking back at Tommy, rolling his eyes and walked off. Tommy looked at me with a regretful look, I shook my head urging him to stay and not go with Techno. Tommy was hesitant but in an instant, he followed behind Techno.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath. I sighed deeply. 


I went home after the whole ordeal. I was still reciting Technos words in my head over and over again, "Use us and go back to lover boy?" It was like a headache that never went away. 

Knock. Knock.

"Im not here." I said.

"Im letting you use my room, the least you could do is talk to me." George said.

"What do you want?" I sat up facing him. He handed me a flier.

"What's this?"

"Tubbo is planning a festival. He thinks it'll be good, like a break from all this stuff." 

"Okay? Why are you telling me this?" 

"Because I want you to go.

I stared at George for a while for a moment before bursting out into a laughter. "Oh yea totally!" George didn't find it funny. "Im serious y/n, I want you to go." I crumbled up the paper and threw it at him, "No way! You're crazy if you think im actually going, everyone hates me George, they'll burn me at the stake!" I explained. 

George picked up the paper and unraveled it, "You're being dramatic. Maybe you can prove to yourself to everyone if you go." He slapped the paper on the night stand next to me. "You're going. Point blank period." he said as he walked out.

"PoInT bLanK pErIod" I mocked him as I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I said as I went back to bed. 


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