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12/5 Dear Diary,

No. No. No. No. 


As I was walking back to my house, I noticed my door was open. It was strange because I remember closing it before I left. I pulled out my sword aiming towards me as I started walking closer and closer to the slightly opened door. When I finally arrived, I opened the door wider, ready to attack anyone who was inside. I turned on the light when I saw Tubbo ravaging through my stuff.  "TUBBO?!"

"I know you have it," he said as he kept looking through my stuff, "What? Have what? What are you talking about?" I pondered, having no clue what he was on about. "Stop acting stupid, you stole it." he accused me. 

"Tubbo just stop and talk to me," I went to grab his shoulder as he turned around, "The disc." 

"W-What? Tommy's disc?" I asked, confused why Tubbo would be looking for Tommy's disc.

"Yes! His fucking disc y/n" he yelled as he turned back around to keep looking, "Tubbo- stop let's just talk, I don't know what you're talking about, please." I pleaded, hoping he would stop looking through my stuff. 

"Bullshit." He said. I grabbed his wrists in hopes that he would look at me and talk to me. "Tubbo please.." I said as he looked up at me. He broke down. He started sobbing uncontrollably.

 "It's the last thing I have of Tommy. I lost it. He gave it to me the day he got exiled." he spoke through his cries. "Oh. Im sorry Tubbo but I don't have it. I wasn't even aware that you had his disc." I said as I pulled him into a hug. "We're gonna find it I promise." 

He pulled away. "Okay" He said as he wiped his tears, "..Okay we'll go to Quackity and Fundy first, then if we don't find anything there we go to Puffy and Niki." he said as he planned out the people he was going to interrogate. I nodded following through with his plan. He grabbed my hand before we left, "Promise?" 

"Promise." I said. We both looked at each other. The same look he had the night he kissed me. I wanted to feel that again and I could have sworn he did too. Tubbo cleared his throat, "Anyways, let's get going." I nodded as we both left to find Tommy's disc. 

As we were walking to Niki's and Puffy's flower shop after we had no luck with Quackity and Fundy, I wanted to ask him. I wanted to ask why Tommy even gave him his disc in the first place. I found it odd. As I went to go speak I heard a voice behind me. 


I turned around and my eyes widened at the sight of Dream holding Ranboo with a sword pointed at his neck. 

"NO!" As I went to reach for my sword, I feel tubbos hands stop me from pulling my sword out. "Tubbo What-" As I went to question him, Tubbo grabbed both my arms and pulled them behind my back. "Tubbo?! What are you doing?" I said but as I looked back at him all he had was a solid face, no emotions, it was like if something had taken over him. 

"You wouldn't think I would find out?" Dream said. 

"DON'T TELL HIM Y/N!" Ranboo screamed out in pain as dream dug his sword deeper into his neck.

"STOP! DON'T HURT HIM." I cried out. Ranboo was the closest thing to finding Tommy, I couldn't let him die. "Take me." I said. "What? Y/n what are you doing?" Ranboo questioned. "Take me instead of Ranboo. Let Ranboo go. It was my idea."

"NO! Y/N STOP!" Dream let go of Ranboo, pushing him onto the floor. 

"Let's go." Dream said as I took me by the arm. "You're free to go Tubbo, I'll take it from here." Tubbo nodded and proceeded to walk away. "Y/N?" Ranboo pleaded. 

"Go Ranboo. Please." Those were my last words I said to Ranboo as Dream took me away. I knew I made the right decision. But I also knew this wasn't going to be the last time I would see Ranboo. 


Dream aggressively threw me into the jail cell. "OI!" I yelled. "Who do you think you are y/n? Who do you think you are ruining my plans?" Dream said. 

"Fuck. You." I spewed back. 

Dream grabbed me by my face with one hand, "Don't forget whose land you're on y/n." I winced in pain. I gripped his forearm in hopes that he would let go but it seemed that the harder my grip was the harder he squeezed. "Stop please, you're hurting me." 

"You're worthless without me. Without l'manberg. Don't forget that." He said as he let go. 

"You're evil." I said. 

"No. I'm just doing my part." As he went to close the door of the cell he said, "A shame really. You could have been so useful, like Tubbo. Tubbo has been real help in making sure you don't see Tommy." 

"Stop it." 

 "Whatever Tommy has told you, its not true. He's just using you to get his disc's back." He said as he walked off. he had a smug look on his face. 

"LIAR! YOU'RE A LIAR. I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU." I said as I pounded on the cell door. Eventually, I got so tired. I knew no one could hear me, so I sat there in silence. In the dark. For once, I truly felt that no one could save me.


Tommy's POV

I waited for Ranboo to come back with y/n. I was so excited. We were going to run away and start a new life. No discs. No l'manberg. Just us. I was sitting by the portal in hopes to hear y/n's laugh as she stepped out of the portal. 

I heard the whirring noise of the portal whenever someone would go through. I made sure I looked nice for y/n. I was going to finally tell her how I felt. I saw Ranboo come out of the portal. He had a look of defeat on his face. 

"Ranboo? Where's y/n? Did you leave her back there? Ugh!! Ranboo you had one job." I said. 

"She isn't coming Tommy." 

I laughed. There was no way Ranboo would lie to me. "Funny Ranboo. Seriously, where is she." 

"I told you already, they're not coming." Ranboo said as he looked down to the floor. 

"Wha- What? What are you talking about? Of course, she's coming, they wouldn't jus- just bail on me!?" I said. my smile was starting to fade when I realized that Ranboo was being serious. 

"Dream...He uh..He found out. Dream was going to originally take me but she took the blame for me. I-Im sorry Tommy." 

"No...you're- you're LYING." I screamed. "Dream wouldn't do that! He's my friend!" 

"No, Tommy. He's manipulating you. Can't you see? He only wants you for the discs." Ranboo explained.

"N-no..It can't be." I mumbled. I was in disbelief. 

"Listen, I think I know someone who could help you Tommy." Ranboo suggested. "This person can help you get y/n back and the discs."

"Who Ranboo? Everyone knows I betrayed l'manberg, no one is going to want to help me." 


"What?! Are you out of your goddamn mind Ranboo?! NO!" I shouted. I can't believe he would even say his name. 

"I said I knew someone that could help, but I didn't say you were going to like it." Ranboo concluded. 


Lost BeginningsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora