Season 2: The second week of school - Rest day - Sept 31

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{Scene 1 - My room}
I woke up at 8:30 am and got out of bed and went to the window. I looked out the window at the great view of our massive gardens. I think I will go to the gardens in two hours. Our gardens have Roses, Poppys, Sunflowers, and a section where I can grow strawberries. O.M.G, I just love strawberries. But first I need to study for the test in Math class on Friday. I headed for my door and opened them. I went to the kitchen where my parents were sitting eating breakfast. I went to get my backpack to get out my math notebook and set it on the table. I went and got a bowl of cereal and started studying for the math test. One hour later. I finished studying and put my math notebook back in my backpack and headed for the huge doors that faced our massive gardens and went out of the door and started for the gardens after getting a basket for picking strawberries. Later in the gardens.
{Scene 2 - The gardens}
I headed for the strawberry patch in the garden. "How are you, guys growing?" I asked. The wind rustled through my hair as I was picking strawberries for a strawberry smoothie I was going make later but before I did that, I went smell the flowers. After smelling the roses and the other flowers I went inside and went to the kitchen. Later in the kitchen.
{Scene 3 - the kitchen}
I found a great recipe for strawberry smoothies online. And it only contains four items, strawberries, ice, milk, and salt to lower the sweetness of the strawberries a bit because they were just picked a few minutes ago. I put one cup of the cut strawberries, one cup of the milk, one handful of the ice, and a pinch of salt into the blender to make my smoothie. I waited for my smoothie to be done in 30 minutes when it's all smooth. I turned off the blender and got a cup from the cabinet and poured the liquid into the cup and took a sip of the smoothie and went to the living room. Later in the living room.
{Scene 4 - the living room and the archery range}
I went into the living room and sat down on the black sofa in the living room. I drank my smoothie and looked at my phone. I decide to call Sage to see if she wanted to teach Archery today. "Hello." Sage said muffled. "Do you want to come over and teach me Archery?" I asked. "Sure, I'll be right over with my arrows and bow." Sage said muffled. "Thank you, I see you soon. Bye." I said. "Alright, Bye." Sage said muffled. I hung up the phone and went for the kitchen to put her cup in the sink to wash later. Ten minutes later. There was a knock at the door and I yelled. "Coming!" I said as I ran to the first door. I opened the door and Sage is here with her arrows and bow. Sage and I went to the archery range. Later in the archery range. Sage gave me her bow so we can get started. She told me to aim the bow at the target. One hour later. Sage had to go home before it gets too late. Later in Cherrie's room.
{Scene 5 - Cherrie's room}
My friends and I talk about our band. "So what days are good for us to meet?" I asked. "Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays work for us." Crystal said. "Alright, every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday we will meet for band practice. What time works best for you guys?" I asked. "7 pm works best for us." Ella said. "Alright, 7 pm is when we will meet every week." I said. Crystal, Ella, and Nancy left to head for their homes. Later in the kitchen.
{Scene 6 - The kitchen}
Three hours have passed. It is now 11:30 am and it was time for lunch. "So what's for lunch today, mother?" I asked as I looked at my mom. My mom looked up and said. "We are having Chicken for lunch today, it's nothing special but sit down." Mom said. I sat down and I started to eat my chicken. Ten minutes later. After I'm done eating my lunch I'm going to our gardens to see if I have powers. I finished eating and went to the sink to wash my plate and went to the gardens. Later in the Gardens.
{Scene 7 - The Gardens}
I started to focus my hands since my magic flowed from my hands. I concentrated for a good ten minutes and then I noticed that flowers were starting to bloom and continued to focus on blooming flowers in our garden. After I finished I went get my mother to show her the flowers I bloomed using my magic. "Mom, I grew flowers!" I said excitedly. "You did, well show me." Mom said. I took my mom into the gardens to show her the flowers I grew. "These flowers are beautiful." Mom said as mom hugged me and then put her hands on my shoulders and look in my eyes and said. "You will bring a bright future to our world one day. Did you know that our family is magical and you were the last one to find out that you have a power of your own?" Mom said as I started to cry. Later in Cherrie's room.
{Scene 8 - Cherrie's room}
Once I went into my room, I picked up my phone and face timed all of my friends and told them the great news about the secret power that I had. "Hi guys, you would never guess what I found out what I had." I said to my friends while I was laying in my bed on my back with my head propped up against my pillows and as I sat there I could feel Taffy rubbing her head against my leg. "I have the ability to grow flowers with my hands, I don't have to get my hands dirty after finding that out." I said. "What flowers were they?" Ella asked. "They were mystic groove flowers and they are blue on the inside and purple on the outside." I said. My friends and I ended our call, I sat up and started to go over the golden pelt of Taffy who was rubbing her head on my leg. Taffy and I went down to the kitchen to get a snack. Later in the kitchen.
{Scene 9 - The kitchen}
Taffy and I entered the kitchen and I put Taffy down by her food bowl, I got her food out of the pantry, fed Taffy, she started to eat, and I put her food back in the pantry. I went to get my snack and went into the living room to eat my snack. Later in the living room.
{Scene 10 - the Living Room}
Once I went into the living room and sat down on the sofa. Ten minutes later and all I could hear were the pitter pater of Taffy's little paws hitting the hardwood flooring in the living room. Taffy ran to the edge of the sofa and jumped up and sat down next to me. "Aww, Taffy you are just adorable aren't you." I said as I picked up Taffy. Taffy licked my face with affection and Barked. *Barked* "I will take that as a yes." I said. I went to the basement door. Later in the basement hallway.
{Scene 11 - the Basement Hallway}
Two hours later. I walked down the stairs to the basement and once my foot touched the floor I winced my face and I looked around and thought to myself. I should make a section of the basement for me and my friends to hang out. It's 1:30 pm and it's nearing the first day of October, I still need to pick out what I'm going to be for Halloween, whatever I'm going to be I bet it will be great. "Should I be one of my creations, The vampire Queen or Goddess? Okay, I made up my mind, I'll be the vampire Goddess." I said. I came up from the basement and went up to my room to start on the sketch for the costume. Later in my room.
{Scene 12 - Cherrie's room}
I got out my sketchbook and pencil and flipped the sketchbook to the next clean page. I got up onto my bed and started to sketch the outline of the costume. I made sure to put a frill on the neckline, and a cap that attaches to the dress and purple heeled boots, and of course a dramatic crown to top the costume. I went to the computer and went on amazon and ordered a long sleeve floor length with train, a light purple dark purple ombre wig, a black, and red crown, and a black mesh cap. I got off the computer and went downstairs. Two hours later. It is now 3:30 pm. Later at the park.
{Scene 13 - the park}
My friends and I went to the park to play kickball. "Are you ready to do this?" Matt asked his buddies. "You bet ya." Jorden said. Matt and his friends started playing basketball. Later with me and my friends. We ran to the baseball field to play kickball. "Ella and I will be team captains, Nancy and Crystal will be the team captains of the other team." I said. Each of us picked our teammates and the game began. Later with boys. "Oh, look it's Cherrie your ex-girlfriend and she is playing kickball with her friends." Jorden said. Ella and my team won the game and we went to a restaurant to celebrate a month of being friends, we ordered our food, and then after we finished we each headed home. Later at home.
{Scene 14 - Cherrie's room}
I walked into the house and went upstairs to my room to work on my Computer game called W.E.B.S. Webs is a game where you play as a high school student going through life and you have five boyfriends and if you can't keep your boyfriends there is a secret male crush that you can get together with him and you have a few friends then you make more friends as the game continues. I was working on my game for like an hour now. It's now 5:30 pm and it's time for dinner. Later in the kitchen.
{Scene 15 - In the kitchen}
Today was especially amazing because I got to slide down the banister to the kitchen. "Hi mom." I said. I ate my dinner and went to the living room. I pulled out my phone and called Matt about the text. "Matt." I said. "Yeah, what do you want Cherrie?" Matt asked. "I want to know why you sent me that text saying if I don't change my mind he would kidnap, Taffy." I asked. "Well, I was just heartbroken, I was just not thinking straight. Sorry for scaring you." Matt said. "Oh, I need to go, I have to do my first blog post." I said. Later in my room.
{Scene 16 - Cherrie's room}
I walked over to my computer to flim my first blog post on how my day was. "Hi, my name is Cherrie Armstrong. This is my first blog post, I have a special guest, a YouTuber who needs no introduction, it's Wengie." I said. "Hi guys, I'm so honored to be here with you, Cherrie. Tell them what we are going to do." Wengie said. "We are going to be writing a song that will have it's own music video to go alongside with the song, Wengie." I said. "Yeah, Cherrie." Wengie said. "We need to come up with the title for the song." I said. "I have an idea for the title." Wengie said. "Let's hear it." I said. "We have to be free." Wengie said. Wengie and Cherrie write their song. "I have to go, bye." Wengie said. Wengie left the call. "Alright, we wrote our song, I hope you enjoyed my first blog post, bye." I said as I pressed the record button and went to post the video. Later in the treehouse.
{Scene 17 - The treehouse}
"I haven't up here in a few days." I said as I went up the stairs to my treehouse. Once I got up to my treehouse I went inside and went to the lounge and sat in front of the fireplace is made out of stone so the treehouse wouldn't catch on fire. "I should really decorate my treehouse for Halloween." I said. I called my friends and we went to the Halloween shop. Later at the Halloween shop.
{Scene 18 - The Halloween shop}
We got to the Halloween shop we wondered what we will pick for decorations. We got pumpkins, Leaf Garlands, Fairy Lights, Orange and Black Lights, Halloween pillows, Orange and Black streamers, and Pumpkin Lights. We paid for our decorations for the treehouse. Later at the treehouse.
{Scene 19 - The treehouse}
Crystal, Ella, Nancy, and I got back to the treehouse with our decorations in hand. We walked up the stairs and started decorating the treehouse for Halloween. I started by putting the Orange lights on the railings headingading up to the treehouse. Then I put up the rest of the lights on the actual treehouse. We put up the rest of the decorations for Halloween. "We did a great job today, girls." I said. The girls high fived each other. The next day.

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