S3 E6: The season 3 Finally: The Convention - Saturday - Dec 30

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{Scene 1 - Cherrie's bedroom}
That morning I woke up at 9:00. "Good morning Armstrong City." I said as I looked through my window. Today is the day of the Comic-con and I wonder who I will go as. "I'm so excited for the Comic-con." I said cheerfully. I grabbed the blanket and uncovered my legs and I got up, I grabbed my crutches and put them under my arms. I looked at my phone and saw that there was a text from Mark. Hey, sweetie. Are you ready for the Comic-con this afternoon? Plus I love you with all of my heart. I texted Mark saying that I am excited about the convention this afternoon. I love you, too Mark. I walked to my bathroom. Later in the bathroom.
{Scene 2 - Cherrie's bathroom}
I walked into my bathroom. I walked up to my mirror to brush my hair. I picked my hairbrush and began to brush my hair. I picked up my curling iron and curled my hair. I sprayed my hair with my bottle of hairspray for a long-lasting hold. "This hairstyle is so cute." I said as I bounced my curls. Clara walked into my bathroom and walked up to me. "Those curls are cute." Clara said. "You think so?" I asked. "Yeah, I do and I notice your leg is looking better by the day." Clara said as she hugged me. "Thanks, sis." I said. "Your welcome, now let's go get something to eat." Clara said as we headed down to the kitchen. Later in the kitchen.
{Scene 3 - The kitchen}
We walked into the kitchen and sit down at the table. My mom places the plate of food in front of me. "Mom." I said. "Yeah Cherrie." Mom said as she turned around to look at me. "Can you tell me about our family tree?" I asked. "Our family tree you say, let me take to where our family began. The year was the 1870s your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great Grandparents were around and their names are Martha and Goerge on your dad's side of the family. Your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandparents on my side of the family are Harriet and Henry. Fast forward to the 1880s your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great Grandparents and their names are Lindi and Duke on your dad's side of the family. Your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great Grandparents are Kiki and Chris on my side of the family. Fast forward to the 1890s your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great Grandparents and their names are Sally and Lenard. Your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great Grandparents and their names are Jewel and Jim. Fast forward to the 1900s your great, great, great, great, great, great, great Grandparents and their names are Blitz and Slush on your dad's side of the family. Your great, great, great, great, great, great, great Grandparents and their names are Fluttershy and Fire on my side of the family. Fast forward to the 1910s your great, great, great, great, great, great Grandparents and their names are Pinkie and Water on your dad's side of the family. Your great, great, great, great, great, great Grandparents and their names are Earth and Rarity on my side of the family. Fast forward to the 1920s your great, great, great, great, great Grandparents and their names are Paul and Wind on your dad's side of the family. Your great, great, great, great, great Grandparents and their names are Swift and Harmony on my side of the family. Fast forward to the 1930s great, great, great, great Grandparents and their names are Kim and Opal on your dad's side of the family. Your great, great, great, great Grandparents and their names are Sam and Gem on my side of the family. Fast forward to the 1940s your great, great, great Grandparents and their names are Ken and Barbie on your dad's side of the family. Your great, great, great Grandparents and their names are Jolly and Holly on my side of the family. Fast forward to the 1950s your great, great Grandparents and their names are Christain and Crystal on your dad's side of the family. Your great, great Grandparents and their names are Leaf and Jenny on my of the family. Fast forward to the 1960s your great Grandparents and their names are Jen and Kristy on your dad's side of the family. Your great Grandparents and their names are Willy and Kelly on my side of the family. Fast forward to the 1990s your Grandparents and their names are Jerry and Marcia on your dad's side of the family. Your Grandparents and their names are Richerd and Azira on my side of the family. Then there's me your mother and your father and then we had you guys. Thats our full family tree." Mom explained. "Wow we have a huge family anyways thanks for telling us I will be in the living room." I said. Clara and I walked into the living room. Later in the living room.
{Scene 4 - The living room}
"Do you want to try walking without your crutches?" Clara asked. "I feel like I can do that." I said with determination. "Okay, I want you to try walking from here to the couch not that far." Clara said as she took my crutches from me and I fell onto the wall. "Alright, but this is my first time walking without my crutches." I said nervously as Clara put her hand on my shoulder. "You can do this, I believe in you." Clara said. "Thanks Clara. I'll try to walk now." I said as I let go of the wall. I can do this, my sister believes in me. I thought to myself. I moved my bad leg first then my good leg. My first few steps were good in all but my goal is to get to the couch without my crutches. I made it to the couch and my sister came and sat down next to me. "You did it sis. I knew you could do it." Clara said as my mom walked into the room. "I heard that Cherrie walked without her crutches today." Mom said. "Cherrie walked to the couch without her crutches." Clara said excitedly. "I'm so proud of you Cherrie." My mom said as she hugged me. "Thanks mom, but I need to go get ready for the Comic-com I'm going to with my friends." Cherrie said as I got up from the couch. I walked over to the stairs and went up to my room. Later in my room.
{Scene 5 - Cherrie's bedroom}
I went upstairs to my room without my crutches. This is an improvement on my part since I got hit by the car. I still believe it's my fault but my mom tells me that it wasn't my fault. But every day I'm growing stranger and my leg is healing impressively. I even walked without my crutches today. I looked at my phone and the time was 10:00. The Comic-con starts at one o'clock in the afternoon. "I better get into my costume before it gets too late." I said as I walked over to my closet to get into my vampire goddess costume that I wore for Halloween night and the Halloween party our family held on the day before Halloween. Later in my closet.
{Scene 6 - Cherrie's closet}
I walked into my closet and found my vampire costume. "There you are." I said as I took my costume off of it's hook in my closet. I put the costume on over my cast. "Aww, fits like a glove and it doesn't bother my cast leg." I said as I got my black corset. Luckily this corset laces up in the front so I won't have a problem with lacing it up. Later in my room.
{Scene 7 - Cherrie's bedroom}
I walked out of my closet with my costume on and walked over to my bed and sat down. I looked at my phone. I entered our group chat. Hey guys, ready for the con this afternoon. Oh, babe of course I am ready for being next to you. Of course, girl but who are we going as? Do you remember those costumes that we wore on Halloween? Of course, I do. We will wear that to the convention. I see you guys at 1:00. I sat down my phone on my bed and looked through my window. Two hours later. Later in the living room.
{Scene 8 - The living room}
I walked down the stairs into the living room and sat down on the couch next to my sister, mom, and dad. "Your father and I are so proud of you." Mom said. "Your mother is right, you are one of the best things that happen to us." Dad said. "Thanks dad. By the way, I need to get going so I can meet my friends at the convention center." I said as I walked over to the great hall doors. "Bye mom, dad. Clara, are you coming?" I asked. "Yeah." Clara said as she came to the great hall doors. "Okay, we are ready to get going." I said as we walked to the convention center. Later at the convention center.
{Scene 9 - The convention center}
Clara and I arrived at the convention center. Mark walked over to me and hugged me. "You look so cute." Mark said as he hugged me. All 26 of us headed inside of the convention center. "Girls, do guys want to know what I found out today?" I asked. "Yeah sure." Crystal said. "My family dates back to the 1870s." I said. Two hours later. Later at the costume contest.
{Scene 10 - The costume contest}
"OMG, it's the Armstrong with the zodiac daughters." Kimberly said to one of her friends. "Thats amazing Charrie." Emma said as Kimberly and her friends ran over to us. "We are your biggest fans." Zoey said. "Can we get an autograph?" Georgia asked. "Of course you can." I said as I bent down. One hour later. "The winners of this year's costume contest is The Armstrong sisters and the Zodiac Daughters. Here's your prize." The announcer said. Later at home.
{Scene 11 - Cherrie's house}
We walked into the house and my mom walked up to us. "How was your day at the Comic-con?" Mom asked. "It was amazing because we won the costume contest." I said as I took out the prize. "They told us that the prize is a tropical vacation to Hawaii good for a two-day two-night trip." Claire said. "We should get packing for the trip." Mom said. "Your right, we should." Harlie said as we went to my room. Later in my room.
{Scene 12 - Cherrie's room}
We entered my room. "You guys head home and pack two days worth of clothes and I'll see you on Sunday so we can get going to the airport." I said as my friends went home. "Alright, see ya girls." Lenna said. "Bye guys." Clar said as she went to her room. I began to pack my suitcase with my two outfits and my special swimsuit. I finished packing my bag and went downstairs to the living room. Later in the living room.
{Scene 13 - The living room}
I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. I turned on the TV to play my video games. I got my Nintendo switch controller and put the game screen in the paring system and played Pokemon Sword and Sheild. My sister came into the room and came to sit down next to me. "What are you playing?" Clara asked as Aaron walked in. "Hey guys." Aaron said as he sat down on the chair. "What's wrong? You seemed sad lately." I asked. "It's nothing." Aaron said sadly. "You can tell us anything, we are your sisters." Clara said. "Well, there was something that I wanted to tell you. I am truly excited about the trip, but I don't how to swim." Aaron said. "We can teach you." Clara said as she looked over at me. I put my controller and we headed over to the pool room. Later in the pool room.
{Scene 14 - The pool room}
We went into the pool room and I turned to face Aaron. "Are you ready?" I asked. "I'm a bit nervous." Aaron said. "You can do it, I was nervous when it was my first time. I know you can do it, just believe in yourself." I encouraged Aaron. "I guess your right." Aaron said. "You know I'm right." I said as I put a hand on Aaron's shoulder. We spent an hour teaching Aaron how to swim. "How confident are you about swimming on your own?" Clara asked. "I feel like I can swim on my own." Aaron said as he jumped into the pool and started swimming. "You are doing it Aaron." I said. Aaron got out of the pool and went to the kitchen. Later in the kitchen.
{Scene 15 - The kitchen}
We walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. "I learned how to swim with the help of Cherrie and Clara." Aaron said cheerfully. "You did?" Mom asked. "Yep." Aaron said as he turned to face me and Clara. "You guys really helped Aaron learn to swim." Mom said. "Mom is right, you did help me and now that I know how to swim I'm not scared of the water anymore." Aaron said. "Your welcome Aaron. It was our pleasure to teach you." Clara said as we start eating our dinner. "Good night, mom." I said as I went upstairs. "Night Cherrie." Mom said. "Good night sis." Aaron and Clara said. Later in my room.
{Scene 16 - Cherrie's bedroom}
I walked into my room on my crutches. I changed out of my costume and went got into bed and looked out of the window overlooking the city. "Good night Armstrong City." I said as I went sleep.

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