I Need Help!!

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Hey guys! Let me start off by saying how amazing you guys are! That being said, I really need your help!

My family and I will be going to Nicaragua this June-July for missions! I need your help to raise the money!!

We need $5000, and I know that's alot and extra spending money can be rare these days, but I need help!

If you would like to buy a shirt and or make a donation towards our cause that would be AMAZING!!!

For those of you who would like to buy a shirt they will be here no later than the 19th of March 2015, they will be sent to my house, if you order one then message me your size and address and I'll get it to you as soon as possible!

I'll post the link in the comments! Thank you soooo much for your support! It means the world to me!

Thank you, again! You are amazing!

- Hayley<3

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