Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Emma’s POV


“Because I love you, Emma.”

I jerked my hand away and sucked in a tight breath.

I stood up quickly and shook my head lightly, trying my best to avoid passing out again.

“Are you okay?” Zeke asked.

“No, no, I need to, no.” I muttered, before shuffling my feet to the bathroom.

I shut and locked the door behind me and turned on the cold water, splashing it on my face over and over again until the front of my hair was soaked.

“I can’t deal with this. I can’t deal with HIM. He keeps playing with my emotions, and I just can’t. I don’t need to focus on this right now; I’ve got more important things to worry about.” I muttered to myself. I used a paper towel to wipe my face and pulled my wet hair into a ponytail, before collecting myself and walking back out.

I sat down next to Zeke, who just stared at me, as if willing me to speak. I suddenly wanted nothing more than to be Reid.

“Well?” Zeke nudged me. I pursed my lips and turned to him.

“I’m sorry.” I began but he just nodded.

“Look, Emma. I can’t live without you in my life. So, just don’t decide. I know you’ve got a lot on your plate, but I cannot lose you again. I’ll wait as long as you need me too.”

“Thank you Zeke, but I just need some time. It may be a lot of time. But I’ve got more important things to think about right now then dating.”

“I understand.” He said.

“Thank you.”

Harry’s POV


“Dude, what did you give her?” I laughed to Niall, while pointing at Reid. Drool leaked from her mouth and onto the arm of the chair, and she let out a loud snort.

“I’m thinking it’s time for a picture.” I whispered, and he shook his head. “She’ll kill you.”

“Probably so.” I sighed, before posing myself next to her sleeping figure.

I posted it on Instagram and Twitter, and in moments the picture was viral. People asked who she was, if we were dating, and I suddenly regretted posting the picture.

I sunk back into my seat next to Niall, who was bouncing Brooklynn on his lap.

“Everything we do has consciences.” I whined. “Everything. I just wish sometimes that I could live a normal life.”

“I understand that.” Niall said. “But this is what we signed up for; you can’t just walk away without consciences. Even if you had a normal life you’re everyday choices would have consciences. The only difference between us and a normal twenty year-old boy is that our choices are seen by everyone. But like I said, what you do affects everyone else in the world.”

“So, if I eat a pop tart for breakfast, rather than cereal, I’m affecting someone?” I asked sarcastically.

Niall rolled his eyes and handed Brooklynn her bottle.

“No, that’s not what I mean. I mean like, smoking. It may make you feel good, it may ‘help you’ or whatever, but it hurts everyone around you, because it’s slowly killing you, and that’s killing them.”

“So, you mean like the big things then?”

“Not just the big things though. It could be just smiling at someone you see in the tube. That smile could be the difference between life and death for them.”

I nodded and nudged his shoulder. “When did you become so wise?”

Niall smiled a toothy grin. “The moment I became a dad.”

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