Chapter 28

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Picture of the new baby!!!

And my first video!

Don't forget to comment and vote!!!


Chapter 29

Emma's POV

My eyes were heavy, and for some reason I couldn't get my hand to scratch my nose. It itched so badly, but my hand wouldn't move.

I could hear the mumbled and mutters of voices, but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

Oh my gosh. My baby. Did I have my baby? Was all that a dream? I had to open my eyes. I had to know. I needed to know.

I mustered up all the strength in my body, just to open my eyes, and when I finally then, I was met with the most comforting sight in the world. My family.

"Hey, where is Zayn?" I asked, earning the attention of everyone in the room. Louis was by my side in an instant, holding my hand tightly.

"Hey, do you need anything?" He asked, pushing my sweaty hair from my head.

"Water." I croaked, only for Liam to jump to his feet and waltz out of the room with a nod.

"Can I see him?" I asked anxiously.

"Yeah." Louis smiled. "He's perfect, he looks just like you."

"Yeah." Niall chimed in. "He looks nothing like Luke."

I let out a dry laugh as Liam returned with a cup of water and the doctor.

"Good afternoon Emma, how are you feeling?" He asked.

"A little sore, but fine."

"Sore is to be expected, we'll prescribe you some low dosage pain meds so you won't ache, but you'll still be alert."

"Thank you." I smiled. "Can I see my baby now?" I asked.

The doctor let out a laugh. "Let's get you moved to your other room first, and then you can hold him as long as you want."

The boys gathered up their things and the doctor and Louis helped me into a wheelchair, and Niall wheeled me down to the fourth floor, where the babies and their mums stayed.

The doctor opened the door to my room, and Reid flew off the bed.

"Reid?" I asked, scrunching my brow. My eyes flickered back and forth to Harry and suddenly the pieces of the puzzle connected.

My mouth made an 'O' shape and Reid held her fingers up to her lips.

"Harry, why do you have your shirt off?" Liam asked.

"Uh, well, uh, Reid and I came down here to make sure the room was good enough for Emma, ya know, the best of the best, and Reid sat down on the bed to make sure it was soft enough and I was checking the TV stations and she alerted me that my shirt had been on wrong side out this entire time." Harry said with a nod. Obviously nobody believed his story, but we all dropped the subject as the nurse came in holding my baby.

My baby.

I made that.

She handed him to me and he nestled into my chest.

The room was silent, but it was a perfect silence. Everyone had smiles on their faces. It was the perfect ending to a horrible day.

"Have you come up with a name yet?" The nurse asked, pulling out her clipboard so she could prepare the birth certificate.

"Yeah." I nodded, smiling at the clone of me that lay in my arms.

"Chandler Reed Tomlinson."

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