Chapter 5

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Tell me how much you love me(: Yeah, you'll love me after this chapter. I've got a small, surprise POV for ya! Hope you guys enjoy it!

This chapter is dedicated to samahmohamed332, for being the first commenter on the last chapter! Thanks for that, love!

Okay, so, I'm preparing myself for college, hopefully I'll be starting this fall! I'll be going to get my PH.D in Psychology(: so, in my prep for college I took an IQ test, which by the way are VERY stressful if your timed (AND YOU ARE) And, I'm exactly 20 points away from being a genius. So, I've got until fall to raise my IQ 20 points in order to get a better scholarship. I'm excited to say the least!

Okay, you know how this goes, don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT and REPEAT! I love you guys soooooooooo, soooooooo, soooooo much! Thank you for all the support you have given me for all my books, it means the world to me!

- Hayley


Chapter 5

Emma’s POV



“Well, you seem like a good kid, and if you’re with Reid, I trust ya.” The man said, stroking his white beard lightly as he looked me over.

“You may want to wear a swimsuit though, it uh, helps attract the customers. But no foolin’ around on the job.” He warned.

“So my pregnancy isn’t going to be an issue?” I asked.

“As long as you aren’t drinkin’ what yer servin’ I don’t see why it should be.” He shrugged. “But we’ll cross that bridge when ya start showin’.”

I nodded and smiled, shaking his hand. “Thank you, so, so, so much!”

 “Now, you two best stop standing around.” He said, looking at Reid and I. “Get you’re butts to work!”

We both jumped to our feet and ran out of the small building and onto the beach. I would be assisting Reid in serving drinks, it wasn’t a big job but it was enough to help me get by, and right now that’s all I needed.

Zeke’s POV


I ran a hand over my face and through my blonde hair. I had messed up, bad. It had been almost a year since I’d actually spoken to Emma, and it broke my heart. I needed to get to her, I needed to apologize.

You need to tell her, idiot.

No, I couldn’t. She’s with Luke, that would just mess it all up for her. Besides, she made it clear that she’s happier with him.

I threw myself onto the couch and growled into a pillow.

“Whenever you’re done moping around can you come into the kitchen, your father and I have something to say.” My mom called.

“Yes ma’am.” I said, my voice barely audible. I slowly stood to my feet, I knew better than to keep them waiting.

I stopped at the kitchen doorway and scrunched my brow.

“Izzy, what are you doing here?” I asked my sister, who stood up from the table with a frown.

“I’ve been worried about you Zeke.” She said. “And I talked to Nick and Ruth and they are both worried about you too, ever since Emma left you haven’t been the same.” She continued.

“You’re grades are dropping.” My mom said sadly. “You don’t do anything expect go to school and come home, then you just mope. It’s not healthy, son.”

“So, we decided that if you were going to get into a decent college.” My father said, but my mom hit his arm. “I mean, if you were going to get better.” He said, scowling at my mom. “We needed to fix the situation.”

“What are you guys talking about?” I asked, leaning against the cabinet.

My dad sighed and handed me an envelope. I furrowed my brow and opened it slowly, gasping at the contents in side. My father’s hand clasped onto my shoulder and a small smile appeared on his face.

“Go get her tiger.”

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