Chapter 14

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Okay, comment and tell me what you would like to see happen in this book, for example.

Would you like Emma to end up with Zeke?
Do you want Emma to keep the baby?
Do you want Reid to end up with any of the boys? (Remember, Zayn, Liam and Louis are taken)
Should the 5SOS boys show up?

Comment and tell me your thoughts!

ALSO! What are your thoughts on Zayn leaving 1D?

I love you guys!

- Hayley


Chapter 14

Emma’s POV


“I believe this is the last box.” Reid huffed as she placed a cardboard box on the ground. “I really don’t see why you couldn’t have gotten it for me, it was heavy.” She pouted to Harry, who held up his hands in surrender.

“Do you want your kitchen perfectly organized?”

“Do you want your kitchen perfectly organized?” She mocked, and he stuck his tongue out at her.

“Children!” Liam yelled, shaking his head lightly at their playful banter.

I let out a chuckle and placed my hands on my hips.

“Zayn, could you move the couch over to the left a little?” I asked, tilting my head to the side.

Reid stalked over to me and tilted her head the other way.

“Push it a little forward.”

“Turn it just a tad this way?”

“Perfect- oh, no. Take it back to the way it was before, I liked it that way better.” I said, turning to Reid.

“Me too.” She nodded. Zayn rolled his eyes and held his hands up.

“I’m done.”

“Oh come on, I can’t move it by myself! I’m pregnant!” I yelled, rubbing my nonexistent baby bump.

“Yeah, and I’m…. Jewish.” Reid said with a scrunched brow.

“You’re Australian…” Liam trailed off.

“What? Aussie’s can’t be Jewish?”

I bit my lip to keep from laughing at Liam’s confused expression.

“Okay!” Louis yelled as he swung open the front door, Eleanor right behind him with Nich in her arms.
“Niall’s apartment is all set up right down the hall, and Harry’s is right above yours.” He instructed. “And Simon called.”

The room filled with moans and Reid scrunched her nose. “I always thought he looked like a shark.”

Everyone stopped their complaints and shifted their gaze to her.

“Never mind.” She whispered, turning back to the box on the floor.

“What did Simon want?” Harry asked, his confused gaze never leaving Reid.

“He want’s Emma and her new roommate to do an interview. Something to do with some rumors about Luke being a druggy and you being pregnant…” He trailed off.

“Luke never did drugs…” I trialed off. The boys all looked around the room guilty.


“So, do you want to or not?” Louis asked, interrupting me.

“Reid?” I turned to her. “If you do this you’ll never have a private life again.”

“Everything I think comes out anyway.” She shrugged.

“Oh we’ve noticed.” Zayn nodded, and she gave him a glare.

I slapped my hands onto my thighs.

“I guess that settles it then.”

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