Chapter 27

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Next chapter will have my first video!

And a picture of the new arrival!


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Chapter 27

Emma's POV


The room was white; I couldn't see my feet because of a thick fog that sat on the floor, covering from my knees down. I was wearing a long white dress; my hair was in its normal reckless curls, and my baby bump was gone.

"Hi, I'm Merida." A voice behind me echoed, making me spin around. There stood a girl who was a good foot or two shorter than me. She had long light blonde hair, almost a white color, and her eyes were the brightest blue I'd ever seen. She was wearing the same white dress as me, but it somehow managed to look a thousand times better on her.

"Hi? Where am I?" I asked, taking a step towards her, only for her to seem further away. "Why am I not pregnant anymore?" I called.

She shook her head lightly, her face playing with a smile. "Because, you've had your baby, Emma. He's gorgeous."

Tears began to puddle in my eyes at the thought of me having my son.

"Where is he, can I see him?"

Her smile flipped, and she held out her hands. "I'm afraid not, love."

"What?" I asked, my eyes spilling over with tears.

"Emma, they had to choose, you or the baby."

"And they chose the baby?" I asked, my legs gave out and I was suddenly on the floor. The fog seemed to move around me, not coming near my body, as if I wore a shield of some type.

"Am I dead?" I asked, my tears were splattering on my dress, making it almost see through.

She didn't reply, only making me cry harder. She crouched down next to me and brushed my hair from my face.

"You do realize, you've got some decisions to make. You need to do what's best for you and your baby. You need to fix things with people. You need to do what it takes to make you happy. You need to make a difference. You've got a voice Emma, learn how to use it. Don't be mad when you go back, Reid is holding your baby boy right now, praying you make it. She's doing everything possible so your baby can have its best chance."

I looked up at her through my tears. She took my hands and hers and pulled me to my feet.

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