Chapter 9

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I tried to post this yesterday but the weather here is CRAZY! They (The news people) Said that it was going to be in the 70's starting this week and going until March. But no. The high for tonight is 9* NINE DEGREES! That's awful.

So, my birthday is getting closer! I'm thinking about having a contest, in honor of me being born. Cause ya know, had I not been born you would not get to read my amazingly horrible books!

SO, what are your thoughts on a contest?

Please enjoy this chapter!


Love you guys!

- Hayley



Chapter 9

Louis’s POV


“Wait, wait, wait.” I said, waving my arms around. “The baby?”

The nurse nodded slowly, and spoke as if she was speaking to a child.

“Yes sir, your daughter is pregnant.”

Gasps filled the room, except for Reid who was tapping her foot impatiently on my floor.

“Yeah, that’s awesome. You guess soak it all up, I’m going to go check on Em.” She said with a quick smile before sprinting down the hall.

Baby, baby, baby. Emma was going to have a baby. How could she be so irresponsible? This was all so crazy. She was only seventeen! She wouldn’t be eighteen for another seven months!

“You okay, Lou?” Liam asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. It was only then that I noticed that I was wobbling.

I nodded and swallowed hard, scrunching my brow as I spoke to the nurse.

“What room is she in?

Emma’s POV


I hated hospitals. They were so ugly, and didn’t bring back any good memories. The only good memory I had related to a hospital was coming home with the boys.

Holy crap. My head feels like it’s been stomped on by an Elephant, run over by a Semi-truck and then slammed into a concrete wall. I really need to stop drinking so much, ugh.

Who am I kidding? I’ve never even tasted alcohol!

Well, there was that one time… But that doesn’t count, it was in food.

“I think she’s starting to wake up.”

Holy fudge cakes, who is that? That’s not my dad’s voice. Uh, where is my dad? Why isn’t my body in pain? Why don’t I smell smoke? My stomach doesn’t hurt…

I peeked one eye open, only to let the other flutter open gracefully. I let out a yawn and stretched my arms.

“Morning.” I said, adjusting myself so I could sit up.

“It’s actually three pm, but…” Harry trailed off.

I nodded, my brow furrowed “Why am I here?” I asked, motioning to the ugly white walls. This place was seriously depressing. If they would let me, I would paint all these walls for free. I’m thinking dinosaurs and flowers, maybe even some fairies…

“You passed out.” Niall said simply.

“Okay…” I trailed off. “Why are you lot here?”

They each shared a smile before Louis cleared his throat “Well, Emma, uh, you are, uh-“Harry cut him off.

“Your parents got arrested for illegal drug and alcohol use and child abuse, so you got put into the system, so then Louis got mad and demanded that he adopt you and the chick was like ‘Not happening’ And Louis was like ‘I’m Louis Tomlinson and what I say goes’ And so now you’re ours!” He said, his voice changing from really high to really low.

I nodded again, my eyebrow quirked.

“Okay, I don’t know that I want to go with you…” I trialed off. They all looked sad, and disappointed at my words. “I mean, you lot could take turns killing me and stuff.” I said, a smile tugging on my lips. They all smiled and each took turns giving me a hug.

“Hey.” Reid smiled, peeking her head in the room, cutting my flashback off short.

“Hi.” I said, my throat was sore and my mouth felt like cotton.

“Uh, the boys know. About the baby.” She said, pushing her long dark hair behind her ear.

“What?” I asked, jerking up.

“They-“ She was cut off by the door flinging open, the boys, Eleanor and Zeke filed in.

Louis’s blue eyes met mine, and I could see the sadness in them. It made my heart ache.

He shook his head slowly; his eyes slowly began to pool with water. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

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