Chapter 30

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I am so so so so so so sorry that I have been gone for so long!!! I've had so many Uni problems it is unreal!! I also got a job, and my co-workers are idiots.

Anywho, I'm back! This is a short chapter, but this is just a symbol of my love and a welcome of my return!! LOVE YOU SO FREAKIN MUCH THANK YOU FOR HANGING WITH THIS BOOK!

Chapter 30

Emma's POV

If you had asked me what I saw in my future before the boys adopted me, I would have said something like prison.

That just goes to show that one day, one decision, and staying strong can change your entire life.

Without the boys I would have never had this amazingly, twisted life. I would have ever have gotten pregnant at 17. Never would have had my heart broken multiple times. Never would have ran away and fallen flat on my butt in Australia. I also never would have met Reed. Never would have had Chandler. Never would have had my career. Never would have had the amazing family I have now. I owe the boys everything. Because without them; I'd be nothing. They are my whole life. They taught me how to drive, taught me what to expect from a real man. Taught me to follow my dreams. They taught me that you don't have to be blood related to be family. But most importantly, they taught me that big girls don't cry.

Big Girls Don't CryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang