Chapter 19

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Comment and tell me who you want Emma to end up with!

ALSO! Do you want Emma to have a boy, girl, twins, what?

Comment some baby names!! (First and middle name)

What do you think about Reid and Harry????

Chapter 19

Reid's POV

"I'll be back in a couple hours." Emma said, looking into the mirror and applying another coat of lip gloss. "How's the job hunting coming along?"

I flipped myself over so my head was dangling upside down from the bed.

"I think I want to be a private investigator. Or a psychic. But doctors are cool too."

Emma rolled her eyes and gave me a small glare.

"Nothing really sparks my interest." I shrugged, doing a failed backflip off the bed, landing on my back with my bum against the wall.

Emma let out a snort. "Okay, I'll be back with pictures of my jelly-bean of a baby and some takeout."

"I love you!" I yelled before she closed the door.

"I love you more!" She yelled back before the door shut.

I counted to ten three times before jumping to my feet and stripping the clothes from my body and sliding into the shower.

"Everybody wanna steal my girrrl, cause she's got that one thing, and she makes me wanna stay up all night and jump around until I see the sun! Beeecccaaauuussseee, they don't know about the things we do, they don't know about the I LOOVVVEEE YOOUU'SSS-"

"Hey, Emma, you home?"

The sound of Harry's voice made me slip on a random soap bottle, causing me to fall. My arm reached out to grab the shower head, only to pull it off, causing the water to spew everywhere.

I let out a high pitched scream and awkwardly crawled from the tub and onto the cold tile floor. I pulled my towel from the counter and wrapped my body in it just at Harry shoved the door open.

"What the-"He cut himself off with a scream as he stepped in a puddle and went sliding into the tub of spewing water.

"Harry!" I yelled, as I adjusted my towel and reached out to help him, only to fall on top of him.

"Hi." He coughed, rubbed the water from his eyes.

"Hi." I giggled, trying to push myself up, only for my feet to slide in another puddle and land back on top of him, my knee hitting his manhood perfectly.

His face went red and I swear his eyes went crossed. I pulled myself up, straddling the puddle, and I slowly pulled him up with me. I managed to get him to the couch and handed him a frozen bag of peas from the freezer.

"I'm so sorry; I really hope you can still have kids. Oh, God, I'm making this worse. Uhm, I'm sure your junk is fine. Uh, not that it's junk or anything, which of course I wouldn't know because I've never seen it, uh, I mean, of course I haven't seen it, uh..." I finally just placed my hands over my mouth as Harry propped himself up, laughing loudly.

My face turned red, but I couldn't ignore the grin that was making itself present on my features.

"You talk a lot." He said once he stopped laughing.

"Yeah." I sighed.

I looked through my lashes and into his large green eyes. I had the sudden urge to just throw my towel to the floor and pounce on him, but I had to remind myself that I was better than that.

You don't have to be though; you could be a slut for however long it would take....

No, no, no. Don't do anything Emma wouldn't do.

Emma's pregnant idiot.

Good point.

I shook the thoughts from my head and debated going to my room to put on some clothes, but my legs were like Jell-O.

Harry brushed the wet hair from my face and slowly leaned in, I moved in closer, ready to meet him halfway like they do on Hitch, but some idiot had to knock on the door and ruin it. Just like in the movies.

"You've got to me freakin' kiddin' me!" I yelled, before slapping my hands over my mouth.

"Uh, I need to go anyway." Harry said, scratching the back of his neck. "I just came by to see if you guys had any sugar, I'll go ask Niall."

He opened the door and nodded to the person on the other side, before walking down the hall and towards the lift.

I slowly walked to the door and scowled at the landlord.

"You called?"

"Yeah." I sighed, jerking my thumb to the bathroom.

I slumped all the way back to my room and threw myself onto the bed.

"But, I've got sugar...."

Big Girls Don't CryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora