Too Much To Lose

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Hey guys!! This chapter is the one shot contest winner, there are minor edits to the one shot. There is also a continuation of the one shot since I thought it was a wee bug short.

Hope u enjoy!
~Austin's POV~

I couldn't belive it.

She had to much to lose, so much waiting for her. She couldn't go now.

The surgery was being done in the room next to Olivia's hospital dorm, and the doctors said she had a low chance of surviving. And you know what was worse? It was all my fault.

If I just hadn't started that fight.

If I just hadn't let that stupid girl into my house.

If I just told her how I felt.

She wouldn't have been in this situation. But of course, being the fucker that I am, I risked her life.

Mr. Crash was sitting besides me, hands on his face and shoulders slumped. He looked tired, like he had been working all night long. I cleared my throat, indicating that I wanted to talk to him. He reluctantly lifted his face from his palms and looked at me.

He looked so depressed, sad, away. She was the last of his family, and she was almost gone too.

"Yes, son?" He asked tiredly and I was kicked out of my thoughts.

"Uh, I-I was just wondering if you wanted something to eat while, she's, um, in there," I stuttered and pointed towards the cafeteria.

"Roast chicken would suffice," he said and I rushed to the cafe with great celerity. After ordering a roast beef and chicken ceaser salad, I walked back to the waiting area. Mr. Crash was talking to the doctor. I dropped everything and rushed to him.

"Is she alright?!" I asked urgently and the doctor gave me a melancholic expression.

"I'm afraid she still hasn't woken up yet..." he said, and my heart deflated once again.

"... But her heart beat has returned to normal and there is a chance that she might wake up sometime tomorrow.Perhaps in a couple of days or even weeks," he finished and my heart soared, but part of it remained shriveled.

Oh,Princess I thought, close to tears. I'm so sorry. And finally, after two days of no sleep, I slept in peace.


~Olivia's POV~

I felt like I had a hangover.

The worse one ever, where my someone decided to play the drums on my forehead and my entire face was throbbing.

I opened my eyes wearily and stared bleakly at the white, monochromatic ceiling. Where was I? I had vaguely remembered standing in a meadow with two people talking to me.

Wait, those two people were my mom and sister. My head instantly shot up, ignoring the slicing pain in my chest.

"Mom!" I choked out. Where was she? Everything that had happened flooded back and I remembered, they were dead. I curled back onto the hospital bed and started crying. I just wanted the earth to open up and swallow me. I remembered the accident and the treacherous pain I endured and I started crying harder.


I stopped crying and looked around the room till my eyes landed on a slim figure.


He staggered over to me, eyes wide, and stared at me in shock.

"You're alive," he said and feel to his knees. His arms were instantly around me and I started crying. I could feel Austin shake too, and we both cried together for a few minutes. He was the first to stop.

"God, I thought I was going to lose you," he said and his voice cracked.

He sounded so hot in that moment.( what an inappropriate thing to say)

I only smiled and have him a weak slap on his arm.

"I would never go," I said and looked into his eyes. "I have way too much to lose." He smiled at me and hugged me, tight.

"Careful there stupid," I coughed out and he pulled back rapidly.

He looked sheepish, and he had this faint blush creeping up on his cheeks.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, scratching his neck. Holy shit, he looked so adorable.

"I know," I said and we kept smiling at eachother like dorks.

"I think I'll call your dad now," he said and I only nodded. He left and I was all alone.

I started to think about the dream. I saw my mom and my sister, Angel. I missed them so much. I sighed and put a determined expression on my face. It was going to be okay, I knew that. With my dad, and friends at my side, I could get through this. Not completely, but maybe life could get just a little bit better.

----Continuation of chapter. Last part of one shot will appear at the end-----

I closed my eyes with satisfaction. It felt good, to just sit there with no complications in my world. I breathed a sigh of content.

"Olivia, Austin told me you woke up" I recognized that voice anywhere.

"Dad! I am so sorry. It was an accident , I didn't know what I was thinking but then this act just came and hit me from the side." I choked out with tears threatening to fall.

"I was so scared. I couldn't have you leave me too" He cried, his eyes were completely bloodshot.

" I couldn't leave you, I wasn't ever going to put you through that again" I truth fully spoke.

"I would love to stay, but I need to do something"

"Yeah, okay. Bye dad" I spoke, but my mouth was dry so the words came out in cracks.

I fell back onto the hospital bed. I looked up at the mundane ceiling. With thoughts about Austin, and only Austin in my mind.

--- End of my writing. ONE SHOT CONTINUED----

With Austin, I knew that my bleak world was over.


Hey guys!!! How did u like this chapter? I hope u understood that the scene with her dad was added, and that I did have to go through this and edit to my liking.



I am so great full to her for writing this chapter!

She knows what her prize is.

I love u guys so much!! I got 250 more reads since the last time I updated! thanks so much!!!!

Like always,

Until next time!!


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