Man Handling

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Now you might be wondering as to why I am updating... Well I realized that it would be much easier if I finished the whole book, and then slowly went back and re-wrote on my own time. But as of now, THE STORY WILL CONTINUE, UPDATES WILL BE POSTED EVERY SO OFTEN. I know I haven't update in a really long time, but I am so busy! I just can't make time.

So, enough of my ranting for now. ONTO THE STORY!

I woke up to see green and blue walls. The white vanity was huge, and had different types of hair spray.

I yawned, and blinked a couple times to get my eyes to adjust properly.
I wanted to rub my eyes, so I lifted my hands up. But they were caught underneath a man's hands.

"AAAAHHHHHH!" I screamed as loud as I possibly could.

"AAH!" The guy's voice shot up a few octaves.

He lifted his hands, and I rolled over and said hi to my friend the floor. The floor which had caught me very roughly as I fell onto it.

"Oof" I groaned.

"What the hell Princess?" His voice dropped down.

Princess? No one calls me princess other than-

"Austin! You idiot! What the hell am I doing here? Where are we anyway?" I scolded him.

He rolled over on the bed, and put his head over the side to lock his eyes with mine. "Princess, I saw you yesterday in the rain. You were crying and then fainted or fell asleep or whatever, and I like the prince I am rescued ye the damsel in distress," His face turned into a frown, and then he winked at me.

"You didn't have to," I complained.

"Aah, but I needed to. I was worried when you didn't show up today." He furrows his eyebrows.

I just nodded my head and stood up. I stretched my arms and let out a huge yawn, but quickly felt my cheeks warming up when I realized that Austin was staring at me.

"I should get home," I stated and started toward the bedroom door.

"Wait, your dad probably doesn't know you ditched, so climb through the window," He suggested.

"Yeah. Your actually smart!" I joked.

"That hurts." He feigned hurt, and humorously put his palm over his heart.

I threw my head back and let out a hearty laugh. I walked towards the window, and was frightened at the distance I would have to cross to get to my room.

"Oh shit," I slammed my palm onto my forehead.

"Wait," He opened his closet door and got out a ladder.

"Do you always keep a ladder in your room?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Yeah I do actually," He rolled his eyebrows.

I took the ladder from his hands, and positioned it so I could crawl into my room. I got knelt down into crawling position and got on the ladder.

"Don't look down! Don't look down!" I reprimanded myself.

"Oh wow! The ground seems so hard, as so far down there!" Austin exclaimed.

"If you're doing this just to make me look down and fall, you have another thing coming," I warned him.

"Yeah, and what's that?" He questioned.

To prove a point, I pulled my knee up to me chest, and thrusted it back, I heard a slight thud when my foot hit his jaw.

"That's what was comin'! Don't ever underestimate the power of teenage girl." I sassed.

I felt the ladder move underneath my body. I froze, but quickly unfroze, because I needed to get to the other side of this partition, I moved my hands and knees so fast, that I was in my room before you could snap 3 times. (Just kidding, I'm not that fast). I fell to the floor in my bedroom with a soft thud as my body made contact with the floor.

I got up, and the blood rushed from my head and left my dizzy. I clutched the windowsill to give my body support.

"What the hell what that for?" I growled at him.

If it weren't for the distance in between us, my hands would have shot up and wound themselves around his neck.

"You kicked me!" He threw his hands up in frustration.

"You almost KILLED ME!" I yelled.

My palm slapped itself to cover my mouth, and my eyes widened. As my spheres met his, we had the same expression going on...

The sound of the front door slamming shut was heard by the both of us.

He closed his window shut and I mirrored his actions. I threw of my shoes, and dumped my school binders and notebooks onto my bed. I grabbed a pencil and plopped onto the bed and twirled the pencil in between my fingers so it would look like I was thinking about the quadratic equations that lay in front of me.

My heart beat out of my chest as the bedroom door opened with a creak.
"Hey," My father spoke, his voice hoarse.

"Hey," I waved, and my voice came out more pitchy than usual.

Dad raised his eyebrows and I coughed to clear my throat.

"Ummm..." I scratched the back of my head, waiting for him to leave or to end this awkward silence.

"What do you want for dinner?" He asked.

"I dunno, spaghetti or something," I suggested.

He opened his mouth to say more, but I cut him off," I have a lot of work to do, so just choose what you want," I persuaded and looked at him so he could respond

"Y...Yeah, of course. I'll call you down for dinner later," He nodded and turned around closing the door as he walked away.

I walked towards the window and opened it. I took my phone and texted Austin to open the window. His window opened, and at the same time my bedroom door did too.

"By the way, I know you skipped school and you were talking to Austin before I entered your room a few minutes ago," My father crossed his arms over his chest and smirked.

My jaw dropped open, I moved my eyes to the window, and Austin was wearing the expression I was.

"Come down for dinner in 10," He closed the door as he walked away.

I stayed frozen, How the hell did he know?


I hope u like the chapter, I tried making it a bit more calm compared to the previous one.

Thanks for such a great response on the story!!!! I got 700+ reads since the last chapter I updated, and I've been getting 50-100 more reads a day!! I woke up in the morning one day with 300+ more reads than the day before!

I have 3.18k reads and 200+ votes!!!

Vote if u like! I would really appreciate it!

Please read and vote for my other book, BAD GIRL GONE GOOD
I want it to be just as popular and read as this one, hope u can!! I am a little disappointed in the response to the other story, pls read it.

Thanks everyone!

Until next time!

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