Furiosity Wins This Battle

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Recap: Austin kisses Olivia at the party, and on her porch step. Then Olivia's dad opened the door, with a face full of rage.

"What are you doing out this late?" My father shouts, his frowns lines are getting deeper.

My heart was racing. Please tell me he didn't see us kissing.

"Well, there was an accident on the road and it took a while for us to pass it." Austin swiftly lied.

"If that's so, then why were you sucking faces with my daughter on my porch?" My Dad looked outraged, but some how I could tell that he was amused.

"W-w-well you see, sir... umm... A snake bit her lip and I was trying to get the venom out." Austin's red, and he stuttered while coming up with a terrible lie.

"So then you must be a doctor, because obviously you decided to take action instead of calling 911!" My father teased him.

He tensed up even more, while I relaxed. I but my lip to control my laughter from spilling- things were getting good!

"Come inside right NOW!" My father spoke through gritted teeth.

"N-no thank you sit, I am perfectly fine outside." Austin tried to protest.

My dad glared, as in almost burning a whole through Austin's skull.

"I mean, yes I will come in" Austin stuttered.

We walked inside the house and took a seat on the couch.

"Who said you were to sit on the coach" Dad continued teasing Austin.

It was hilarious!

"No one, sir. I had just assumed." He stood up.

"Well, next time don't assume. You don't have permission to sit on my furniture."

"I'm sorry sir." He apologized.


"Explain to me, why you were making out with my daughter on my porch?" Dad questioned, and I blushed.

"She's hot," He spoke, and immediately clamped his mouth shut after realizing what he had said.

My cheeks continued to burn.

"I mean, she is nice" He corrected and stated robotically.

"Oh, so my daughter isn't good looking enough?" Dad questioned, I could tell he was enjoying this talk.

"She isn't good looking." My heart sunk. "She is gorgeous, and I don't appreciate you doubting my feelings for her." His voice was dead serious, and my heart soared.

My fathers jaw dropped.

"You are a good boy." My dad stated.

"I'm sorr--- wait, what?" He tilted his head.

"You are pure hearted. But I swear boy, if you ever break her heart, I will chop your balls off!" My father said with seriousness but also teasing in his voice.

"Ye-yes sir. But I swear that I won't get break your heart. I mean your daughters heart." He stumbled through his words.

I blushed at the choice of words my father had used.

"You now what, I'll walk him out." I changed the subject.

I began walking and Austin followed me outside of the house.

"So..." He began.


"Your dad is one strange man." He stated.

"Yeah, no kidding," I agreed.

"So, about those kisses." He started.

"Mmhm." I signaled.

"I liked them, and I don't know if you did. God, I really hope that you did. Cus other wise that would be embarrassing. I really like you, and I hope that you do he," He started babbling, to be honest it was adorable.

I cut home off by swiftly pressing my lips to his. It lasted for about 7 seconds, but it was there.

I looked down, and my cheeks most likely turned pink.

"I hope it isn't too early to ask this question, but will you go out with me?" He asked.

"I am out with you, outside of the house." I teased him.

"Olivia Crash, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend." He asked.

To answer him, I took hold of his collar and pulled him down, and pressed my lips to his once again. Our lips moved in perfect harmony. I felt him make a low noise at the back of his throat. It couldn't get better than this.


Yes, I know it's short. But, it's early compared to usual.

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110 comments(whole book)

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