Getting to Know His Name

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I was still hyperventilating by the time I got back to the classroom, about that boy in the hallway. I walked to my seat with my head held down, so my friends wouldn't see me blushing. I sat down and made sure that Mrs. Wey was still busy teaching us about world war 2. It was sooo boring!
I leaned over to my friends seat and began whispering," Hey, Sophie do you know a guy with dark brown hair that's styled, and dark eyes, who has pale skin? 'Cus I saw him in the hallway, and he looked at me, I just wanna know who he is."
" Well, Olivia Crash, looks like you have a crush!!!" Sophie squealed.
" Shut up, and just tell me who he is!" I whisper yelled while using my dark, wavy hair to cover my cheeks.
" Fine, fine! His name is Austin, he is in 11th grade like us. But he's popular, unlike us, the nerds and the good 2 shoes. What are you gonna do?"
" I don't..."
" Ms. Crash, you please enlighten us on your conversation with Sophie?" Mrs. Wey cut off my sentence.
" Well, Mrs. Wey, I was just asking Sophie what I missed while I was out of the classroom."
" Oh, in that case you got lucky. We just introduced World War 2."
" Thanks, Sophie wasn't explaining it very well."
" Well, okay. But pay attention to the history lesson now."
I nodded, and took out a pencil and started to take notes.

It was lunch time now, and I sat down with my friends. I swiveled my head around looking for Austin. I didn't want to look like a freak, so I started to eat my sandwich.
" So guys, any plans for Friday?" Meghan spoke.
" Wait, it's Friday?" I questioned.
" Olivia, you love Friday, how did u not know it was Friday?"
" I know, I know! I've just been lost in my thoughts today."
" I know why!!!" Sophie spoke with so much enthusiasm in her gentle voice.
" Soph, you wouldn't dare!" I warned her while shooting daggers at her with my eyes.
" Oh, but I do," She challenged me, " Our little Olivia has a crush!!!"
Oh crap, she did not just do that! I could feel my cheeks heating up. all around me my friends kept cheering me on, and kept shouting. I drank water to divert my attention. I looked to my right and Austin was right there.
Oh shit! I thought. I was so nervous! I thought he was going to walk back over here, so I spit the water in my mouth back into my water bottle.

He didn't come to our table but he looked at me and walked away.
Things went so wrong! The worst part was, that I wasn't gonna see him for the whole weekend, that was 2 whole days!

What the hell was I gonna do know?! How in the world was I going to spend 2 days without seeing him?

The bell rang, removing all traces of my thoughts from my head. I raced from the cafeteria, to the lockers to pack up, and leave this terrible school.
As I got seated on the bus, I thought..
What am I gonna do this weekend?
Hey guys!!! Another chappie!!! I'm doing my happy dance! I know the chapters are not long, but hey! I'm only in 7th grade! Thanks again for reading, and please help create a cover for my book! Until next time!

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