Dress To Impress

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It had been a 3 months since Austin and I had started dating, and a lot of the time, the topic about meeting his parents came up. Each time he asked, I cleverly avoided the issue by saying it was too early, or changing the topic. But once again, the subject popped up just to bite me in the ass.

"Please!" He dragged out he bit his lip.

He always persuaded me with his oh-so famous lip-bite, damn it was hot.

"No. It's only been like 3 months, it's way too early," I argued.

"No, I've brought my previous girlfriends over to my house in the first month," He insisted.

"Okay, so the way your gonna persuade your girlfriend is to tell her about how your ex-girlfriends met with your parents earlier than I'm agreeing too," I twisted his words.

"Shit no, I'm just saying,"

"Well I'm just saying too. I'm just saying that I don't want to!" I used his words against him.

"Why are you being so difficult?" He grasps my hand in frustration.

"Because I want to," I pout as I lace our fingers together.

"Your so hot when your mad," He states in a raspy voice, his eyes flitting down to my lips.

"I would say the same, but I have better things to do," I whisper as I place my lips on his.

"So your coming right?" He manages to sneak a few words in while we're kissing.

I forgot to pay attention to what he was saying and mumbled a quick,"yes," and pulled at his soft hair.
"You asshole! You tricked me!" I yelled as I shoved his chest.

"No I didn't, you didn't listen to what I was saying!" He bit back a laugh.

"Shut up." I glared.

"Well you better find a dress, Cus your coming over tonight." He plants another kiss on cheek, and waves as he walks to his biology class.
"Dad!" I whine, as I face plant into my bed.

"What sweetheart?" He replies.

"Come!" I demand, my voice coming out muffled because of the comforter.

"What's up?" He asks as he sits down next to me.

"I have to go to Austin's house to meet his parents, today!" I cry out, as I push my palms onto my eyes.

"That's not so bad, let's just find you a dress,"
He says cautiously, not knowing how to deal with me, the hot mess.

"Give," I demand again.

"Here," Dad replies in a minute.

"Daddy, is this new?" I question his as I gently take the sky blue dress into my hands.

"It was a gift I got for Angel on her birthday, but I-i never got t-the chance to give it to h-her," He chokes out.

"Dad, I love it, and I know Angel would too," I smile as I blink away the tears forming in my eyes.
At 7 that evening, I stood I front of the Ryder's door, pulling down onto the modest in length dress. My heart skipping beats as I waited for so many long seconds for someone to open the door. I look down at was I was wearing and the started rehearsing what I was gonna say.

"Hi Mrs.Ryder, I'm Olivia and I'm dating your son Austin," I whispered harshly to myself.

"Well nice to meet the only girl I think is good enough for my son," A woman's voice spoke crisply.

"Oh, you heard that, I was just... I was trying to speak... I mean trying to rehearse what I was gonna say to you... Not that I'm that insecure... But I like to leave a good first impression. But this isn't the right impression," I rambled on, the blush in my checks getting stronger with every word being said.

"Sweetheart, it's okay. Austin says worse when he's talking to himself in the shower," She chortles," Come on in," She waves to me.

"Thank you. You have a very lovely home," I compliment, my polite side taking over.

"Thank you. Have a seat, Austin is just getting ready. He takes forever doing his hair. I think in his room alone he has over 7 mirrors. Even I don't have that many!" She jokes, turning the burner off.

"Mom! Why would you tell her that?!" Austin's whiny voice pierces through the room.

"Because she needs to know what kind man-child she's dealing with," She answers bringing the food to the table.

"Where's Dad?" Austin asks, his hand reaching for a plate.

"He's on a business trip remember?" His mom reminds him, giving him a small slap on the back of his head.

He grimaces, while rubbing his hair.

I looked at the food, and saw beautiful baked ziti, breadsticks and a small salad.
I took everything, in proportion obviously.

"Oh god, Mrs.Ryder you have the hands of a god," I compliment her, my fork quickly stabbing other pieces of pasta.

"Thank you, and call me Anne," She responds modestly.

"Okay, Anne," I replied, my confidence taking control.

"Suck-up," Austin grumbles.

I smiled, and gave a nice strong kick on the calf.

"Ow!" He hisses, his hand snaking down his leg.

"What happened?" Anne asks curiously.

"Absolutely nothing, Austin stubbed his toe," I explain, so Austin can say nothing.

"Oh okay, he's usually much more clumsy," His mom teases him more.

"Mom!" He pouts.
After dinner was over, we made our way to th couch.

"How would you like to see Austin's baby pictures?" Anne squeals excitedly.

"I would love to!" I grin, my mind racing on how to use these to embarrass him.

"No way!" He growls.

"Don't growl at your mother? Do you want to be grounded?" His mom glares at him as she sets the book onto the center coffee table.

"Here's one of him when he was 1. He didn't know that he was supposed to go outside clothed, so he went stark naked," She laughs and I join in.

"This is from when he was 7, he thought that superheroes existed and he was determined to be a cross between Batman and Spiderman," She explains, my eyes took in the image of a small boy wearing his underwear over his red pants, and wearing a yellow and black shirt.
Hi everyone!

So sorry for the late update. But I'm not really into this book anymore.

Updates will be slow since school is starting in 5-6 days.

Watty voting has started so, pretty pls vote and go on Twitter and tweet to vote for all my stories😘😘😘

I will be updating My Savior and A Forgotten Love Story before school starts.

Vote and comment;)

Question of the chapter: Do u like cake or pie better??? Personally I love pie, it's so yummy in my tummy! Lol

Love u,

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