Bottles and Pancakes

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After we finished watching the Fault In Our Stars, Megan was poking Andrew and asking him to pass the tissue box. He leaned over Josh and grabbed the box and gave it to Megan while she snuggled herself closer into his side. He sat there with Megan, not bothering to push her off and using his hand to rub her back.
Megan was just an emotional person. She couldn't stand the pain that true love may bring a person.

Meanwhile, Sophia had her legs laying over Josh's lap, and she was talking to Josh, a faint blush coating her cheeks and his also.

I turned to Austin, and smiled," We have two potential couples right in front of our faces. We have to play matchmaker!"

"We might have to," A mischievous grin took over his face.

"Mmhm," I leaned over and pecked him on the lips.

"You taste like sour apples," He mused after he liked his lips.

"Well, I did have a couple jolly ranchers during the movie," I smiled and got up to stretch my legs.

"Hey when's your dad coming home?" Megan suddenly asked.

"In the morning sometime I guess, he has a office promotion or something like that tonight," Sophia explained.

"Your dad won't mind right?" Andrew stepped into the conversation, he asked me.

"Mind what?"

"Us, hanging out with you girls, alone...,"
"Most likely no. He just wants me to be happy,"

"Let's play the make up game!!!" Megan squealed.

"Oh my fuck, no. My sister plays that all the time with her friend, it's awful!" Josh complained, and the guys moaned in unison.

"Then let's play!" Sophia chirped.

"Great, Me and Austin. Josh and Sophia, and Megan and Andrew," I listed of pairs keeping in mind my match making skills.

Megan and Sophia went into the kitchen and got their make up bags. Josh's eyes widened at the bags, don't get me wrong, but I see why. Their bags were like small organized suitcases for makeup.

They set the bags on the floor and sat in front of their partner and took a lot of makeup from the bags. I did the same thing.
After what seemed like hours I finally finished my masterpiece. Using shades of purple eyeshadow, heavy mascara, and bright red lipstick, I had managed to make him look like the most idiotic person known to man-kind.

He groaned when I covered my mouth with my palm to stifle my laughter. I looked over at Josh and Andrew, and they looked worse than Austin. Like a person escaping from a mental ward.

"Dude you look so messed up," Andrew teased Josh.

"I look exactly like you do. At least we don't look as bad as Austin." Josh sassed, while rolling his eyes to complete the diva look.

"You look worse than I do. Let's just wash it off," Austin suggested, just as the blinding flash of Megan's camera went off.

"Delete it," Andrew growled.

"Never!" Megan giggled.

Andrew walked over to Megan and picked her up, only to flip her upside down on his back.

"Let me go!" She squealed as she pounded her fists into his back.

"Well if you say so..." And he let her go. She landed on her face and the carpet floor.

"You ass!" Megan screamed as the guys went to the bathroom to wash the makeup from their faces.

"You like him don't you?" I finally said to Megan.

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