Coming back

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As I walked into the school with my backpack hanging from my shoulders, and my Dunkin' Donuts coffee mug in my left hand. I looked around.

People were whispering, and stealing glances at me while I was walking towards my large beige locker. Wow, news travels fast. I put in my combo slowly.

"Olivia..." I heard some one whisper.
Another person said the same thing.

I was so frustrated, I slammed my pal. against the hard and cool metal of the locker, and turned around. A large scowl resting on top of my face.
"What is your problem! Do you not understand what it feels like to be in an accident?" I growled.

"You are my problem," Another queen bee, Alexia smirked. "We all know you crashed because of Austin. Well let me tell you this, stay away from my man, or..."

"Or what?" I crossed my hands over my chest.

She remained speechless.

"Well, tell her," A husky voice demanded from behind her.

"Oh! Austin, Olivia's being mean to me. She's threatening me, tell her to leave me alone." She pouted.

"Well from the looks of it, you came to threaten her because you locker in all the way upstairs. And if you don't leave right now, I wont care about the rule that says you can't hurt a girl. Do I make myself clear?" He warned.

Alexia's eyes widened and she mumbled a quick sorry, and with her head down, walked away.

"Hey Princess" He smiled down at me.

"Hey," I awkwardly waved.

"OH MY GOSH! Olivia, are you okay? Do you need help?" Sophia exclaimed worriedly.
"AND YOU! How dare you hurt her, you are so lucky she's here and not at the hospital" Sophia glared, her eyes squinted hard at him.

Austin backed up against the lockers, with his shaking arms and hands held up in the air. Sophie walked towards him, he stood there nowhere to go. I stayed quite, 'cus I knew not to frustrate Sophia more when she was already angry. She put her hands on Austin's collar, and yanked him down so they could see eye to eye.
"If I ever see Olivia hurt over you or any boy, I will have to slap a boy. And son, that boy will be you," She rared her teeth, invisible steam shooting from her ears.

Austin, like the dumb butt he was talked back to her, " Why would you hit me if someone else hurts her. Not that they will," He quickly added when he saw Sophia raise her hands.

"She better not get hurt, or you won't e able to sit on the toilet for a week, scratch that. Make that a whole month." She warned.

She gave him a toothy smile and walked over to me and gave me a hug. Right before she let go she put her mouth close to my ear and whisper," Think I scared him good enough?"

I nodded, biting my lip trying to stifle a laugh.

"Why isn't she in jail yet? Im pretty sure that's she's the definition of criminally insane" He anxiously scratched the nape of his neck.

"SOPHIA!!!" I quiet yelled.

She came running back, and slammed him against the lockers, and pulled him down using his collar. She pulled her knee back and just as she was about to hit him in his Crown Jewels a very nervous Austin piped up an," I'm sorry, pleas spare my balls!"

Sophia and I both doubled over in laughter. I clutched my stomach and tears started rolling down my face. I abruptly stopped and winced.

"Are you okay?" Sophia asked, her hands traveling to my stomach, as if trying to take away the pain.

"Yeah, but he made me laugh" I pouted, trying to make Austin freak again.

Sophia thrashed him against the lockers again, but this time, he spun around and slammed her against the hard metal instead. She closed her eyes from the pain of the impact. "You are so lucky your a girl," He smirked.

She smirked back, she pulled back her knee and slammed it into his you- know- what.

"Ughh," He groaned, and clutched his pee-pee in his hands, and fell to the floor whisper shouting profanities( they weren't exactly whispers)

We both helped him up, after wincing and laughing at his pain.

"I'll see you later Soph," I grinned.

"Yeah. I'll help you control that bad boy later, good luck!" She winked.

As soon as she was out of sight, Austin slowly made me back up against the lockers, and I swear, if that heart monitor was still attached to me it would be going crazy.

He leaned down towards my ear. and slowly whispered," Princess I'm gonna have to get back at you for that" His cool, minty breath fanned over me, and slight goose bumps rose over my pale skin, and I shivered.

He was coming even closer now, and the loud shriek like bell rang, and I ran(or try too, imagine a hippo trying to walk on two legs) away to my class.

Saves by the bell. The one time I was actually thankful for that thing. As I sped off, my heart tried to calm down, but it wouldn't.

That boy was gonna be the death of me.

I smiled to my self and walked into chemistry class.

Hey guys!!! Sorry for the late update, I was just SOOO busy!

Guess what?! I'm finally 13!!

I know it's a little boring, it's a filler chapter, but with homecoming(in the story) coming up, there's a lot of exciting stuff coming up! (whoops, said a bit too much!)

It's also a little short for my liking, but I had to get a chapter out.

Thanks so much for the 1.99k reads and over 125 votes!!!

You guys just make my day! I luv ya!

Like always pls,

Thanks for giving this story a chance and for putting it in your libraries!

Until next time!

You, Me, and UsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora