Let's Party! Part 1

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After my dinner with Dad I went up into my room, I sat in my wheeled chair, and flung myself across the room to my desk. I held my arms out in front of my and held the desk so I wouldn't slam into it. Once I had steadied myself, I flipped open the screen of my MacBook Pro, and turned it on. Once the sign in screen had showed up, I put in my username and password and I was on my desktop.

I clicked open the safari browser, and typed in facebook.com, and the blue and white theme colors along with the sign in page showed up. I skilled fully maneuvered my fingers across the keyboard and typed in the required fields. Then my profile picture showed up, a unicorn dancing on a rainbow while throwing up trolls. I am really weird, but that's what makes me interesting.

I clicked a button that took me to latest posts, and my eyes where caught in a net of interesting. My orbs scanned the eye catching banner. Savana Friy was throwing a party tonight and it was for all seniors, and I was a senior. I bit my lip and was about to comment on the picture when I heard a rock or something clink against my closed window.

I pushed my self away from the desk and my chair rolled towards the window. My hands heaved up the heavy glass, and a rock was thrown at my face, it hit my nose and bounces off to hot the floor.

I closed my eyes, and breathed in heavily. I pursed my lips together and opened my eyes, and it took much effort not to let out a tornado of colorful words.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry. I was aiming at the window. Although hitting your face was hilarious." He rambled.

"Great, I'm glad my pain entertains you." I rolled my eyeballs. "So, what do you want?"

"Do I always have to want something?" He bit his lip, and ran a hand through his hair.

"Do you already want me to answer that?' I raised a brow.

"No," He let out a sigh.

"Then what?!" I was getting tired of listening to this guy.

"I was on Facebook..." He held out the K.

"Really? So was I!" I responded with flat excitement.

"Great! So have you heard that Savana Friy is throwing a party?" He replied with enthusiasm, he must have though I was really excited.


"So, I want you to come with me!" He smiled cheekily.

"You must be out of your mind if you think I would willingly go to a party, especially a party thrown by Savana." I shook my head.

"Aw! Come on! It'll be fun, you can even invite your friends to come. Anything is what you can do, but please just come to the party with me!" He pleaded.

"No." I replied, and before he could say anything else, I slammed the window shut, and through it I heard him say a long string of colorful words.

Then, he smiled, and it wasn't a normal boy smile it was a smile that only a devil would be able to perfect. And then he shut his window and walked away from it. I could still feel him grinning like a demon. I shuddered and tingles ran through my spine.

I sat on my bed and reached over to the nightstand and grasped the book,"The City of Lost Souls" By Cassandra Clare. I was on the part where Clary had just told off Jace to Sebastian for wanting to turn himself into the Clave. And now, things were getting so intense.

My eyes narrowed as they took in each and every word, and I placed myself into this imaginary world as if it were real. I was getting to the best part when the sound of the doorbell had caused me to avert my gaze. I internally groaned and began reading again, my dad would probably open the door anyway.

As I continued scanning the page and internally gasping at the intensity, I could hear the faint voices of two men.
As I flipped the page, my ears perked up at the sound of footsteps coming towards the direction of my room.

The door flung open, and I winced as the knob hit the wall.

"What the heck are you doing here?" I threw my hands up in frustration, but then closed my eyes and groaned as the book closed without me putting in a bookmark.

"Well, since you said you didn't wanna come to the party, now you have to come." He smiled his evil smile again.

"Huh?" I internally slapped myself for how stupid I sounded in that moment.

"Well, I talked to your dad about the party, and when I told him you didn't wanna go he said you have to." He explained, but his deadly grin never left his face.

"Oh fu..." I was cut of by Austin's voice.

"Dge..." He cut of my curse word.

I got off the bed and in a fit of anger pushed the boy aside and stomped down the stair case.

"You are MAKING me go to that party!?" I screamed.

"Lower your voice. And yes. You must go to that party, you need to develop better social skills, you don't have many friends." These words came out of the mouth of my own father.

"You shan't make me," I folded my arms across of my chest.

"I can and I just did," He raised the volume of the football game he was watching.

"Better get up stairs princess and get ready." He had a smug look on his face

"I would punch your face and knee you in your baby maker if we weren't in this house." I scowled so deeply, you couldn't over scowl my scowl.

I trudged up the stairs, a part of me dying inside when I took a step.

"Hurry up, we are gonna party... High school style," He leaned against the wall and smirked.
Hey guys, sorry for the late and uneventful chapter.

At least I updated.

Thanks so much for the great response on the story!!! Just 3 days ago I had 3k reads and 250 votes.... and now *drum roll pls* I have 14k reads and 460+votes!!!


This chapter is dedicated to @sweatergirlxox for being a huge inspiration. pls read her works: The Bad Boy's Mission
Cherry Lips
I promise they are amazing!

Also, be expecting another update in a couple days. I promise that one will be entertaining.
Sneak Peek:"He leaned in, he kept leaning in until he was an inch away from my face, and he exhaled. His breath smelled like Alcohol, and I knew he wasn't sober"

Please vote and comment.

Also try reading my other story: My Savior
If u decide to read it please vote and comment on the one too!

Here's a virtual hug before I leave!

xox -Mahi

You, Me, and UsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora