Olivia's Past

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We were in the car, and we were driving home from Olive Garden where me and my twin sister, Angel celebrated our 11th birthday with our Mom and Dad.
We were talking about our birthday party and the awesome presents our parents had given us.
"Thanks so much Mom!!" I squealed with joy. I had received a necklace that had the names of everyone in my family engraved. I had always been more closer with my mom than my dad.

At the same time, my sister was jumping with joy in her seat about the new phone she had gotten. "Thanks so friggin much dad!" My sister and my Dad had always been close.

We were crossing the four way intersection, when all of a sudden a car came at over a 100 mph and crashed into the side of the car where my mom and sister had been sitting. my head banged into the leather seat in front of me, the glass came and pierced my body. my fathers head was bleeding because he had banged his head into the steering wheel. And large piece of 'car' had crushed both of them... My mother and my Sister.
"NO! NO, MOM! ANGEL! I NEED YOU, STOP! PLEASE!" I cried out in pain and agony.

"NO!" I cried out, while popping straight up in my bed.

My dad rushed into the room," What happened? Did someone break in?"

I nodded no. "Dad, I had the dream. I'm scared. I miss Mom and Angel. I miss them so much"

I cried into his t-shirt while he was hugging me. He thought he was going to make the pain go away, but it never will.

"Things are going to get better, they are always going to be with us, just not physically." He said.

"Thanks dad. Ya know, you could be a philosopher if you tried" I let out a forced laugh.

"I could couldn't I" He joked, but I could tell that he was still upset.

I looked over at the clock and it read 6:17 am.
"I should get ready for school dad" I said

He just nodded and left my room.

At school, I went to my locker and saw Austin with red eyes. I felt bad, but he hurt me yesterday. But forgive and forget am I right. but I won't forgive just yet, I deviously thought.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked with concern lacing my voice
" Why does it matter to you? You hate me, the worst part is that you won't let me explain why" He said while looking me in the eyes. For the first time, I saw vulnerability.
"Then explain." I simply shrugged
"You're mad at me for 3 reasons. 1, the kissing fiasco, 2 the verbal crap, an ditching you outside of school,"

I nodded an urged for him to go on.

"Look, I didn't kiss the girl, she kissed me. I was pushed against the lockers. I said all that crap to you yesterday, because I didn't understand why you were mad. I had to get back at you to see us as even. I don't hate you princess" He said with his voice cracking at the end, even then he managed to crack a small smile.

"So your not mad at me for saying I hate you, and stepping on your foot" I asked

"Nope. Why would I be? It was my fault anyway" He spoke

"Well we already missed 1st period anyway... wanna skip?" He asked

" No! Absolutely not! We're definitely gonna get caught!" I rambled on

"No we're not, Princess. Trust me!"

"Fine" I said. I stomped my foot and pouted.

He must've found that really funny because he was doubled on the floor in laughter. He was clutching his stomach and tears were streaming down his face.
"You.. loo..ked ... like one.. of.. thos..e ki..ds from th..ose old... sitcoms..." He managed to breath out.

"Shut up. And let's go!" I whisper yelled.

"Fine, lets go" He said while trying to control his laughter.

He led me out to the parking lot. And he led me to his car. We went to a gas station.
" Why are we here, this better be a joke!" I warned
" Relax, I just need you to put this blind on Princess" He explained
" I put the cloth over my eyes preventing me from seeing.

We drove and drove.
" Are we there yet?"
"No, not yet?"
"Are we there now?"
"Are we even close?"
"Yes, almost there" I could hear the annoyance in his voice.

I felt the car stop, and took off my blindfold. My jaw dropped at the sight. We were on a hill, and the Autumn leaves were on the trees and they were different colors, which made the site all the more gorgeous.

I felt Austin take my hand, and I followed him to the edge of the cliff.

"Wow! this is amazing!" I exclaimed
" Yeah, I come here when I need to think and be alone."
" Lets play a game?"
"20 questions?"
"I will go first" He declared.

"When I came to your house the other day, I saw a picture. It had you, your dad, your mom, and your twin sister. Where's your mom and your sister?"

I felt tears prick my eyes, and then, the water works started

"Princess are you okay?"
"Not really." I confessed
"Tell me, why are you crying pretty girls like you dot deserve to cry."

"Well, guess you deserve to know. Im telling your this because I trust you"

--------------Austin's POV-------------

The whole time, she was telling me about her past. the car crash, and the loss of her Mom and her sister Angel. I immediately felt hurt. I don't know why, but the fact that she puts up a tough front, to cover up the scarred girl, seems like a band aid trying to cover up and hide a broken heart.

"Well, that's my story." she finished.

I stood up and extending my hand to hers, pulled her up. I hugged her. I could feel her stiffen, but she relaxed.

"I am so sorry Princess"

"It's not your fault"

" I know this isn't the right time to ask, but is that why you got mad at me when I called you 'Liv'?" I mentally slapped myself, what a stupid question.

"Yea, my mom and sister used I call me that all the time. It was our thing, and I'm not ready to give that away yet"

"Okay" I whispered.
Time went by quick as we played game after game. I saw Olivia look up at the sky. Although it was only 3:00, the sun was already starting to set.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." I heard her whisper.

"You're beautiful" I breathed out
Hey guys!!! 3 updates in one week!!!!!

How'd u like the cliff hanger? And finally knowing about Olivia's past?

I'm hoping u liked the Austin POV!

By The Way... The only reason I updated 3 times this week, is because I'm pretty sure I can't update next week. I just don't have the time. Sorry!

As always...


Also, I now have over 500 reads!!! Thanks you to every one reading this story! I know it's not the best! but its only my 1st story!

Thanks so much!

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