We meet again

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" Thanks Ms. Dorothy!" I smiled at my bus driver.

She winked at me and drove away. I started walking towards my house, when I saw a moving truck in the drive way of the house next to mine. I walked over to their drive way, hoping to meet my new neighbors.

" You're that girl from the hallway, aren't you?" A deep voice said from behind me.

I turned around, only to see Austin, the mysterious guy from the hallway.

" Yeah, I am. Did you follow me home or something?" I wondered.

" Yeah, I'm so desperate that I followed you home! No, Of course not! My family just moved in here. Since, you thought that I followed you home, where do you live?" He asked.

" I live in the house next to yours, the blue and white one with the bushes." I stated.

" Well, that's a good thing, I won't have to just see you in school anymore," He smirked.

Well he looks so cute! wait... did I just think that? what am I turning into?

" Well I gotta go, my dad must be waiting," I said, " Maybe I'll see you tomorrow?"

" Maybe you will," He winked at me.

" Bye" I said while taking my keys out of my bag.

" Bye, Princess" He waved.

I walked away with a smile on my face, ad stuck the key in the keyhole.

" Hey, princess?" Austin called out, " I'm Austin, though I'm pretty sure you knew that already. But, I never got to know what your name was, what's your name?"

" I'm Olivia, nice to talking to you Austin. Bye," I called out, with heat creeping up my cheeks.

" Nice to know that I can make you blush," He winked.

" You just ruined the moment," I smiled, " Bye Austin."

" Bye, princess!"

" Don't call me princess!" I pouted.

" Okay princess," He smirked, "

I waved and made my way into my house.

" Hey, Olivia. How was school?" My dad asked.

" School was great Dad, I'm gonna go to my room, I have homework." I said.

I walked upstairs, and threw my bag on the floor. And launched my body onto my bed. I stared at the ceiling, and thought about nothing but Austin himself. And then all of a sudden I heard a familiar deep voice, calling my name from the window, that was now open.


Merry Christmas guys!!! This is my gift to you, and hopefully your gift to me more comments and votes!

Until next time!

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