Let's Party! Part 3

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Recap: Olivia and Austin went to Savana's party. Olivia was almost sexually abused by Daniel. Now Olivia wants to let loose and party.
**I don't want to do any drunk action. It's not me.

"I really wanna party," I smiled and whispered into his ear.

"Well then, let's party!" He winked.

He held out his hand and I grabbed it, warm tingly feelings flew throughout my body and my heart began to race. I grasped it and raced to the kitchen. My free hand flung open the stainless steel fridge door, and grabbed the bottle of vodka.

I released his hand from my grasp, and popped open the cap, and just as I was about to take a sip, the bottle was lowered.

"Isn't that a bit too strong for your first drink?" Austin looked amused.

"Shut up, or I will shove the broke glass from the floor into your ass!" I glared.

He put his hands up in mock fear. I raised the bottle up to my mouth, and swallowed. The clear liquid burned my throat and easily slid down my esophagus. It was a painful as hell, but I didn't care. It was time to let go of all the pain experienced, it was time to live!

Sip by sip I drank down the bottle, and every sip, Austin would try to rip the bottle away. I wouldn't let him, I knew he was trying to keep me safe, but I didn't need anyone's help, I needed my mom. Looking back, I had never truly grieved over the death of my mother or my sister. I have cried but I haven't touched my sisters room in so long, the door has remained closed for the past 2 years. To me right now, was my alternative for grieving.

When I finally parted ways with the bottle it empty.

"Why are looking at me funny?" I slurred.

"It's just that you look perfectly fine for a drunk. I'm positive that you aren't a lightweight." Austin stated.

"Come- on, let's play truth or dare." I encouraged boldly.

I could see the hesitation on his face, before he let me drag him to the corner where around 8 or 10 people were sitting.

"Can we join?," I chirped, my voice was sounding less slurred now.

"Sure, but we don't stop playing until 3 dares are skipped." The girl with the bleach blond hair informed.

"Fine by us," Austin spoke, his deep voice rumbled through his chest.

We took a seat and a guy with green and black hair and a lip piercing spun the bottle.

"Ashley, truth or dare?" The boy spoke.

"Umm... I'm gonna go with truth." Ashley's voice was one of those bitchy ones, like all high pitched.

"Chicken! Anyway, is you relationship with Colin really on and off or are you just lying." he spoke.

"Ben you ass! Of course it's on and off. Would I lie?" Ashley defended.

"Honey your just feeding us all lies!" Ben chuckled.

Without another word, Ashley spun the bottle. It landed on some other person. The game went on and on. So far 2 people had declines a dare.
"Truth or dare?" She asked.

I was gonna live," Dare"

"We got a brave soul here?" Another guy spoke.

"I dare you to kiss him." She pointed.

I froze. I couldn't. I turned to face him, and he looked right back.

He leaned in until he was so close to my face. He came in so close, my heart stopped. Was he never taught the personal bubble rule?

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