Let's Party! Part 2

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After I went upstairs I had gotten ready for the party. I was wearing a white halter top with a black skirt that showed about 2 inches of my waist, I paired that with white pumps. I quickly did my makeup, spending more time on it than usual.

I walked down the stairs and saw my dad and Austin watching the football game together. I walked over and flicked Austin on the head.

He turned around and pouted," Ow!" He rubbed his head.

"You are so weak!" I rolled my eyes playfully.

He got up, grabbed my hand and dragged me to the front door. He quickly opened the door and shoved us both through the small doorway at the same time.

"Well aren't you a gentleman," Each of my words was coated with sarcasm.

"Thanks for noticing." He replied back in the same tone. " Your dad, oh my god, he was giving me the talk that the overprotective dad gives. I was like, so scared. I literally sat there with a waterfall of sweat everywhere on my body, and I mean everywhere" He winced at the memory.

I felt bad for him, but I guess it was payback for all those times I was embarrassed. So like the lovely person I was I burst out laughing. He glared at me, and immediately stopped, he must have been really scared.

We got into the car, and I pulled out my phone. I was checking my Instagram, when Austin spoke up," So..."

"Sooo, what?" I spoke absentmindedly while scrolling through the latest posts.

He reached over and plucked my phone right out of my hands.

"Hey!" I whined.

"Now, have an actual conversation wit me."

"No." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Just have fun tonight at least."

"Your not my dad!" I sassed.

"True, but this is coming from me, not your dad." He continued driving.

"You have awful logic." I snapped, he was really getting on my nerves.

"It's called Austin Logic, deal with it," He held a smug smile on his face.

I turned my head and looked out the window, I could see Savana's house nearby. Austin pulled over, and parallel parked outside the mansion like house.

I went to open my door but Austin had already opened it. I eyes him with disbelief. He just shrugged. My eyes darted across the lawn, there were red Solo cups scattered across the green, and people were vomiting into the hedges. Other couples were making out against the side of the house.

We walked cautiously into the house, carefully guiding our feet so we wouldn't step into the vomit.
When I entered the mansion, the smell of sweaty teenagers hit my nose, and I scrunched my nostrils as if trying to make sure they didn't shrivel up from the obnoxious stench.

I looked up at Austin and he was looking down at me. "It smells worse than crap in here," I complained.

"This isn't even the worst part. That worst part is the bedrooms." He revealed.

My face turned into one of the faces of people in a horror movie.

"Don't worry, just have fun" He told me, and pulled me onto the dance floor; Which was just the living room with furniture pushed to the side.

And in that moment, a slow dance came on. He placed my hands on his broad shoulders and his hands on my waist. I tensed up, and started awkwardly swaying side to side.

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