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~Olivia's POV~

I ran out of the school with heavy, and nonstop tears streaming down my face. I kept taking my sleeves, and wiping my nose and eyes with it.

I pulled out my car keys and opened the car door. I got inside the car, and turned it on. I took my foot an slammed it on the accelerator, and zoomed out of the school parking lot.

I needed to go to the one place, where I knew I could calm down... The hidden cave on the beach.

I stopped at the red light on Pofer Avenue. As soon as the red light turned green, I squished the accelerator under my feet all the way. My car went shooting out into the intersection, and then everything went slo-mo. A blue van came from the left side of the intersection, and crashed into, the drivers side of my car. Glass went flying everywhere, into my arms, ribs, legs, face. I tried to scream but couldn't, I could feel and see the thick, red liquid pouring out of my body. It was getting hard to breath. "Help" I tried to shout out, but couldn't.

Before I went into the complete darkness, I heard the faint roar of the ambulance.

Then, it went black. My eyes flitted around me, but there was only pitch black. My hands were latched on to the edge, they got sweatier by the second. If I let go now, I would die, if I hung on I would be alive. For a long time I just stayed that way, then when I blinked again, I was in a beautiful field. It was the same field that my sister and I, had a great time with our mom. I could see this fuzz, and as it got closer I could see that it was the 2 people in the world that I had the loved the most.

"Angel? Mom?" I asked.
"Hey 'liv" They spoke with a grin on their face that spread from cheek to cheek.
"I missed you so much" I choked out.
"We missed you too. I can never forget all those times we just had a girl night, and all those pranks we pulled on people" Angel reminded
"I miss you so much sweetheart"
"I love you mom. I think of you both every second of my life" I smiled with tears streaming down my face.
"Now enough reminiscing, tell me about the boys in your life" cue the blush.
"There is this one guy, Austin, but even after all the chances I gave him, he messes up every single time. I can't forgive him again." I whispered.
"Maybe he had a good reason. You need to let him explain himself to you. And if you decide to give him another chance and he screws up again. Make him sorry, if he can't make you happy, he doesn't deserve you. Make your decision."
"Thanks mom" I murmured greatfully.
"I think you should go now. I know for a fact that your father is waiting for you and he's worried sick. And I'm pretty sure, that the boy is sitting in the room your in just praying that you'll wake up"
"Yeah. I'll miss you so much Angel. You too mom. Ill never stop loving you, never" I spoke with every emotion there was at the moment coating every word that came out of my mouth"

~Austin's POV~

Oh shit! When Olivia ran away I knew that I had to follow her. I ran out of the school and saw her getting into her black Ferrari. Damn! She has class!
Never mind that. I gotta follow her, and explain.
I pulled out my keys from my pocket and pressed the button that opened the car. I jumped into the car, and pushed the key into the keyhole, and twisted that key like there was no tomorrow. The second I heard my little baby roar to life, I speeded out of the ugly school parking lot.

Making turn after I pulled onto Pulfer or whatever Avenue. The cars wouldn't move, I tries honking the frickin' horn, but NO the damn cars wouldn't budge!

I hopped out of my car, hoping to continue my pursuit on foot. But when I got to the intersection, there was a huge car crash.

I squinted my eyes to get a better look at the cars. Wow! Another Black Ferrari! That looks exactly like Olivia's. Oh wait, that car is Olivia's!!!

I ran over to the scene of the crash. Oh fuck. Blood splattered the windows, there was broken glass every where. I got my phone and called 911 and told them about the crash.
I shuffled down on my knees, and peered through the 'window' of the car. Olivia lied there lifeless, limp, and pale. All the life sucked out of her. I sat there with my arms hugging my legs to my chest. My silent sobs filled the air, and with every breath sucked in more tears came out. And surely they would never stop.

I heard the faint beeping of the ambulance and stood up, but didn't bother to wipe the tears away from my eyes.

I got out my phone once again and called her dad. Just in case your wondering, her dad put his phone number into my phone just in case of an emergency.
"Hello, sir?" I spoke.
"Why! hello Austin, what's wrong?" He spoke.
"I hate to be the one to tell you this, but your daughter has been in a car crash. Please rush over to Melview City Hospital right now, she needs you" I pleaded and explained.
"I'll be right there," he stuttered.
And then, the line went dead.

I saw the paramedics, pull her onto to the gurney, and into the ambulance. Without a second to loose, I hopped into my car once again, and followed the ambulance to the hospital. Once there I threw my car into one of the open spaces in the lot, and ran inside.

I went over to the secretaries desk," Hi, I need to know what room Olivia Crash is in" I breathed out.
"Well, it seems like she is going through surgery at the moment"
"Still, I need to now where, just so I could sit out side the room"
"Well, in that case she is in Surgery room 17 which I located on the 3rd floor"
"Thank you"

I was about to sprint upstairs when I saw Olivia's dad wandering around aimlessly. "Sir, I know where she is. Just follow me"

And with that we both ran up to the waiting room, out side of Surgery room 17.

We both sat in chairs, out faces in our hands. I knew he was crying, he couldn't loose her like the rest of his family.

And neither could I. She tried to fix me, and because of me she gave up. But this time I'm gonna fix her, and I will not give up on her. She means wayyyy to much to me for me to just loose hope.

Without her, what was the meaning of life. I would never see the smile that would make my day ever again. I would never see her blush a beautiful scarlett. I would never get to tell her how much I needed her in my life, and how the thought of her would make my heart swell.

She had to pull through this. She had too.


Hey guys!! How did u like the new chapter?

I though the story was going downhill so, I added some drama to spice things up!

How'd u like the twist? and getting a deeper understanding about Austin's feelings?

I will probably not be updating this story on Friday, cus I have to update my other story Breaking Through.

As always...

Have a warm winter!!

I will be having a contest, more details will be in the next authors note.

Until next time,

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