This close

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I had been in the dull hospital for 6 days now. Apparently getting into a car accident and having surgery, resulted in a whole week of staying in the hospital for monitoring.

I hated it. They gave me the most boring and horrendous food. I mean, who eats sandwiches' for every meal. The best part of the food, was the water, and even then it smelled weird. And when I say weird, I mean like it smells like rusty blood and antiseptic weird. That says something.

And everyday I'm stuck in this nasty hospital, all of my friends come to visit me. And Austin does too.

I know it must me mentally constipated to trust a boy, but honestly, I think I should. At the same time, I think I shouldn't. But he is the person who called emergency services.

I feel like a completely different person around him. I'm not the girl I was 7 years ago. And as I'm staring off into space, I hear the door creak open, and I snap my attention to the annoying blond doctor standing in front of me.

"Hello, Olivia. How are you doing? Any light-headedness?" She questions while looking down at her clear clipboard.

"No, I'm perfectly fine. I just hate staying here," I bluntly responded.

"Okay, personally I don't like this place either. It feels more like a prison cell rather than hospital.On the bright side you will be released tomorrow," She shrugs

My jaw drops open. "But your a doctor, this is like your home away from home!"

"It should be, but it isn't. Its not warm or welcoming." A small frown appears on her face, "Anyway, I'm here to give you your pills"

"Ugh! I hate pills!" I pout

"I know, that's why I asked one of your friends to come and make sure you take them." She says mischievously.

"Okayyyy, who?" I wonder.

"ME, that's who!" My eyes snapped to find Austin peaking through the door.

"I guess I'll leave you to it" She exits the room.

"Here's the pills" He shows me these poop colored, little toe sized pills. Yes pills, as in 7 of them. was she a doctor or a killer?

"Nope, I'm not eating them" I put my foot down, metaphorically speaking( I still wasn't allowed to get out of the bed.

"Aw, come on! The one time you refuse to eat something it's now!" He gasps.

"Hey, I love food. But pills, they are like crap being swallowed with water"

"You are so weird, and yet that's what I like about you"

My heart stopped and butterflies erupted in my stomach.

"Bu... Li... Me..." I stuttered with astonishment.

He smirked," Time to take the pills sweetheart."

"Really? Another nickname? What is it with you and nicknames?" I muttered.

"I heard that," He said.

"Shut up!" I scowled.

He stepped closer, and closer until he was right next to the bed. He reached onto the tray, and picked up all the pills and a glass of water.

"Open wide princess,"He whispered into my ear, his cold breath sending tingles down my spine, and the hairs on my neck stood up.

Unwillingly, I reached into his palm and one my one put those pills into my mouth and gulped them down quickly. I gagged, the taste of those things was worse than donkey crap.

"I think that's a bit of an exaggeration sweetheart," He smiled.

What was he talking about? Wait, I think I just said the donkey crap thing out loud.

My face flushed scarlet.

"I find it adorable when you blush," He winked at me. I ducked my head down in embarrassment.

"Why do you always do this to me" I whispered to my self.

"Do what?" He looked so cute when he was confused.

"You always help me make a fool of my self, you make my heart beat a million miles a minute, and you release a cage of animals into my stomach," I admitted while looking into his chocolate eyes.

A slight pink color began to appear on his cheeks. "you look adorable when you blush," I winked at him.

"Hey! That's my line!" He pouted, his bottom lip jutting outward.

"Now it's my line," I smirked victoriously.

"Princess you don't want to to that or..." he stopped.

"Or what?" I said confidently, but on the inside I was a nervous as a hippo going on its first date!

"Or..." He leaned in, his brown eyes glancing at my lips.

As he kept leaning in, the beeping on the heart rate monitor increased.
And just as his lips were a hair away from mine, the beeping on the monitor went crazy! The I realized, Im about to give my first kiss to the boy I just met.

The opening of the door caused Austin to jump away from me. And my cheeks blushed so hard, that it went through all the possible blush colors in the world.

"Hi, Im nurse Fantin. Are you okay? I could hear that your heart rate was increasing and wanted to make sure your okay?" She said oblivious to the fact that she walked in on two hormonal teenagers just about to kiss.

"Uhh... I'm perfectly fine, Austin was just telling me a really funny joke," I lied, and it didn't come across as believable.

"Don't lie Olivia, I know just what you two were about to do, and I think I just walked in at the wrong moment." She smiled.

I blushed even harder now, and when I looked at Austin from the corner of my eye he looked sad but he was blushing also.

"I should give you two some privacy now" She turned around and closed the door.

"Soo..." I started.
"Umm... I should" He stuttered.

"Yeah... that was... I'm..." I tries to create a proper sentence, but my stupid tongue messed me up.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow" He waved, his face was still red.

"Yeah, I waved back"

And I'm positive am too. And the heart monitor was still trying to cool down. I can't believe we were this close.

Hey guys!! Sorry for the late update but I had major writers block, and midterms, and major tests.

This chapter is dedicated to @sweatergirl for winning the one shot contest. read both her books, they are mind blowing!

Also... thanks for the 100+ votes and 1.8 reads!!!!!! I LOVE U GUYS!!!

PLS keep reading and voting, it means a lot to me!

Who was ur favorite character? What was ur favorite part of the story?


Like always...


Until next time!

You, Me, and Usحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن