Girls Night!

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Quick Recap: Megan, Sophia and I grabbed our lunches from our lockers and headed straight to lunch. Austin was sitting with us today, so I made sure to save him a chair.

"Hey babe," Austin greeted me with a peck on my lips.

"Never say that again," Megan gagged.

"Okay.... Hey baby," Austin sassed, and kissed me again.

"Hey, no PDA!" Sophia yelled as she covered her eyes.

I laughed and Austin wrapped his arm around my waist as he chuckled.

"Weren't you gonna bitch lecture him Sophia?" Megan reminded her.

"Right" Sophia smiled like a devil, and I leaned back, ready for the show.

She stood up and grabbed Austin by the neck and lifted him up off his chair with ease and...
She Turned him around so his back was facing the table. I could hear her whispering words into his ear,and I was dying to hear what she was saying. Sophia quickly used her feet to step on his toes and he winced. When they both sat down again, Sophia was wearing a big and bright smile on her pale face. While Austin was wearing a forced smile that said I need help! I giggled at the sight.

Tonight, which was a Friday, Meghan, Sophia and I were having a girls night at Sophia's house. Her house wasn't just a small 2 story house, it was a 3 story Victorian style mansion thingie. I was bigger than a a house and slightly smaller than a mansion.

It was around 7:30 and I was standing on Sophia's porch. I used my elbow to gently tap the doorbell and seconds later Megan swung the grand oak door open.
"Hey," I greeted as I stepped into the house.

"Hey" Megan replied. "Sophia's upstairs doing whatever,"

I nodded in acknowledgment of her answer and began to follow Megan up the long winding staircase. I barged into Sophia's room to find her painting her nails. The sound of the door slamming into the wall made her nail polish brush travel onto her skin and her eyes to glare at me.

"Sorry," I smiled sheepishly.

"It's fine," She shook it off ," Now, let's talk about Olstin!" She made jazz hands.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Your ship name with Austin, duh!?" Megan exclaimed.

"Oh god," I rolled my eyes.

"So is his tongue skilled when he kisses you? Do his lips feel magical against yours?" Sophia exclaimed with large big eyes.

With every words she said my cheeks grew hotter and a darker red.

"Shut up! And yestothesecondquestion" I quickly murmured.

"Girl, you need to use actually words and not some foreign alien language," Megan rolled her eyes.

"Yes to the second question." Sophia opened her mouth," No we didn't French kiss," like a fish her mouth immediately shut.

"Let's watch The Fault In Our Stars!" Megan exclaimed.

I mouthed her a thanks and nodded my head to agree with what she said.
I looked through my DVD cabinet and found the movie. I quickly threw it into the box and sat on the floor in front of the TV next to Megan.

We were at the part Augustus was on the plane fake smoking the cigarette when I heard a faint clicking sound coming from the foyer.

I paused the movie and signaled for my friends to quiet down.

Get the baseball bat I mouthed to Sophia and she picked up the bat up from under the couch and handed it to me. Megan got her Dads golf club and Sophia clenched her palm into a fist.
We quietly and slowly walked to the main door. And Megan put her finger to her lips. She reached out for the door knob and pulled it open.

My heart was racing, so I took my bat and hit the man in his crown jewels and Sophia blindly punched the guy, while Megan hit the guy in the head.

Quickly we heard loud ow's and profanities flowing from the mouths of the men.

"Damn, Liv stop!" I heard a deep voice yell my name.

I stopped and looked over it my friends who had stopped too. I turned on the porch light and saw Austin with 2 other boys rubbing their arms while glaring at us.

"Oh. It's you," Sophia waved off. "Who the hell are they?" She stared at the boy with the bleach blonde hair and the chocolate brown eyes.

"Well the guy your staring at is Josh, and they guy Megan is staring at is Andrew," Austin mused.

I turned to look at Megan, and sure enough she was staring at the boy with the caramel brown hair and pale gray eyes.

Both boys were looking at the girl that was staring at them with their jaws dropping. I smiled and pulled Austin inside, leaving the 2 soon to be couples alone.

"Hey," He spoke.

"Don't hey me! What the heck were you trying to do?" I teased.

"Trying to give you a surprise." He pouted.

"By trying to pick the lock to get into Sophia's house? Why couldn't you ring the doorbell like a normal person?" I asked.

"I'm not a normal person," He rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out.

"Well you got that right," I said and jumped onto the couch.

I felt the couch dip at the opposite end and I turned around.

I opened my mouth to make a remark when Austin's lips collided with mine and his arms looped around my waist. My arms hooked around his neck, and the smell of his axe aftershave was putting me on a high. His tongue traced my bottom lip and a groan escaped my mouth. He pulled away just as I did to catch his breath.

"You should warn your friends before you make out so we don't look," Sophia put her hand on her hip.

"Maybe you should warn your friends before you decide to date someone you just met." I eyed both Megan and Sophia.

Austin stood up and punched both Josh and Andrew right in the arm so they would remove their arms from Sophia an Megan's waists.

"Your no fun," Josh whined.

"I try," Austin chuckled.

"Come on, let's finish the fault in our stars!!" Megan shrieked.

They guys groaned simultaneously, but they reluctantly sat down and watched the movie.
Hey guys!
Late update I think? Sorry i had finals and I had to really focus.

Updates will be very often for all my stories.

First, some housekeeping:
1. My savior will be update July 1st
2. A Forgotten Love Story will be updated this upcoming week
3. There will be a teaser for a new story coming out sometime in July.
4. There are around 10-13 chapters left in this book.
5. After I finish this book I will finish all my other stories and later come back to re-write the stories due to plot and character holes.

I do have a question for you guys, do you think this book should be in the Wattys? Please comment a truthful response and give some feedback!!

Thanks and I love you all!
Pls vote and comment.

P.S. The next chapter will describe what happens at the sleepover now that the boys have crashed.

Stay cool,

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