chapter 10

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"Give the gift of your absence to those who do not appreciate your presence"

Apong and Savi,both felt unwell.

Suddenly, an idea began forming on my mind.

I was able to speak out, so I tried Apong.

"Savi and you were going on Sir's car, so can you please go and tell to Abe to let us go together?", I pleaded Apong.

" Okay, sure but how am I going to say?", She agreed without any hesitation.

"Say to him in this manner, 'Savi and I were unwell and we're going in Sir's car. So, will you please accompany her (Bina) for us?' ", I told her.

As she went.

I hid beside the bus because I felt ashamed if he rejected my request.

She came back.

" He really didn't say no but he seemed shy" Apong smiled.

"Thanks, I'll tell him myself" I smiled back.

I seemed to have guts with myself and he came to my view as I went closer to the window.

"Can you please help me accompany on bus since my friends are feeling unwell" I confirmed.

He quickly agreed.

"Which seat?" He asked me.

"First seat near the door" I replied.

He went up to the seat and sat.

I hop happily behind the bus.

Abe and I being together on bus was out of my plan.

I was super excited and the new era begins.

Cloud nine!!!!

He's already ready but I wasn't yet.

"Tell me every detail of the bus incident" Apong inquired me.

I nodded my head.

Classmates arrived.

Party and drinks had started.

"We might need a plastic if by any means we puke on Sir's car" Savi and Apong joked.

I went inside the bus for plastic.

"Aren't you gonna sit?" Abe asked me.

"Wait for a bit, my friends, they're asking for plastic" I stated.

I went out and when look back, saw a boy with Abe.

"Hurry, you've got no seat" Apong jolted me.

I waited for that guy to get out.

Alas! He went out.

I hurriedly hopped in and sat on the window side view.

"Mind if you would let me sit on the window side?" Abe asked me.

I agreed.

"Aren't you giving your boss an excuse?" That boy before, came back and asked me to give his seat. Don't mind, he's drunk.

"If you want to be a boss, go and boast on your own" I spatted.

Then he went away.

"What if the girls hopped in, Sir might asked the boys to give seat to girls" Abe inquired.

"Just be a girl today" I stated.

It's just because I want to sit with him.

We laughed. I'm excited.

Butterflies began forming on my belly.

The bus started.

Jemi and Angoi laughed and I can sense that they are happy for me.

The note 'I am happy' was clearly written on my forehead.

Whoever doesn't know me and who have been waiting to know my crush, might now know that I had a crush on him.

His friends even laughed at me.


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